Doubtnut is the perfect NEET and IIT JEE preparation App. Get solutions for NEET and IIT JEE previous years papers, along with chapter wise NEET MCQ solutions. Get all the study material in Hindi medium and English medium for IIT JEE and NEET preparation ...
India has seen enormous reductions in poverty in the past few decades. However, much of this progress has been unequal throughout the country. This paper examined the 2019–2021 National Family Health Survey to examine small area variations in four measu
When gas molecules are caught by the strong adsorption potential from pore walls, gas molecules may have chance to transport surface-wise from one adsorption potential point to another, forming surface diffusion [40]. Gas adsorption is a dynamic process even at equilibrium, and gas molecules may ...
To test whether social associations explain similarity in female PA-use, we used a multiple regression quadratic assignment procedure (MRQAP88; R packageasnipe). We used three matrices of pairwise metrics (one for the dependent variable and two for each independent variable) to discern the relatio...
For insulators, simulations have used the Born model in which the cohesive part of the total energy is the pairwise summation of the Coulomb interaction of the ions. This is counterbalanced by a short-ranged repulsive energy which is either fitted to the lattice parameter and bulk modulus of ...
The Black Lives Matter movement gained strength as the country debated the militarization of even the smallest American police forces and learned about the policy of policing for profit that was and is widespread in poor, minority communities. You may also like: From Stonewall to today: 50 years...
Pair-wise ranking Key informant groups ranked the ten most common camel diseases by severity through a pair-wise ranking process. Each disease was compared to every other disease individually. Disease names were written on cards, and participants compared two diseases at a time in terms of importa...
The Bay Area Gold Buyers should have posted their notice for 10 days and would have been wise to reach out to our neighborhood and merchants associations. Not only did this corporation of more than 200 businesses choose not to engage with our neighborhood, they chose to ignore the clearly-st...
A useful tool in understanding the roots of the world geography of culture is the Age-Area-Hypothesis. The Age-Area Hypothesis (AAH) asserts that the point of geographical origin of a group of related cultures is most likely where the culture speaking th
a,bNon-metric multidimensional scaling plots representing mean pairwise Jaccard distances among patrol areas. Each point represents a single patrol area, coloured according to the cluster that it falls into (see Supplementary Fig.8). Red and blue contours show elevation and distance to the reserve...