如果工质是液体并且截面上的温度分布比较均匀,而且滞止状态离临界点比较远,那么用Mass-Weighted Average计算平均总压比Area-Weighted Average好。如果工质是液体但不满足这些条件或者工质是气体,那么不能确定是Mass-Weighted Average好还是Area-Weighted Average好。总而言之,如果要精确计算的话最好将截面的速度分布、温度分...
如果工质是液体并且截面上的温度分布比较均匀,而且滞止状态离临界点比较远,那么用Mass-Weighted Average计算平均总压比Area-Weighted Average好。如果工质是液体但不满足这些条件或者工质是气体,那么不能确定是Mass-Weighted Average好还是Area-Weighted Average好。总而言之,如果要精确计算的话最好将截面的速度分布、温度分...
Mass-Weighted Average Tangential Velocity [m/s] --- --- radial-coordinate=20mm 0.015335978 radial-coordinate=25mm 0.010689499 radial-coordinate=30mm 0.006745951 radial-coordinate=35mm 0.0044565224 radial-coordinate=42mm 0.0013343147 --- --- Net 0.0090452905...
Mass-Weighted Average Velocity Magnitude (m/s)--- --- mix-out 155.3517 ...
1. area-weighted average,由于网格的大小有区别,故以面积大小为加权。facet average,这个就是最通常意义上的平均,没有加权数,所有的面积都当作相等处理, 质量加权平均:等式右边为相除关系,其中分子为场变量乘以小面面积矢量和动量矢量点乘积的绝对值,然后加和;分母为小面面积矢量和动量矢量点乘积的...
Flow uniformity is an important index in many research fields.In order to use directly numerical simulation results to analyze flow uniformity quickly,abolish the data collection points' setting and simplify computation process,a new correlation based on area-weighted and mass-weighted average velocity ...
Hu, An alternative approach to quantifying fluid flow uniformity based on area-weighted average velocity and mass- weighted average velocity, Energy Build. 45 (2012) 116-123.TAO Hongge,CHEN Huanxin,XIE Junlong,et al.An alternative approach to quantifying fluid flow uniformity based on area-...
fluent中Area-Weighted average 和facet average 区别?求助:请问fluent里想记录一个面的温度随flow time 的变化,Area-Weighted average 和facet average 记录的面平均温度有什么区别?该用哪一个?谢谢~回复此楼 » 猜你喜欢读博心性大变 已经有17人回复 从严厉的导师换到只会水MDPI的导师手上,好后悔啊 已经有...
The zircon U-Pb dating yielded a weighted average age of 2241±16 Ma(MSWD=0.64, n=14), 2252±14 Ma(MSWD=0.71, n=13). The zircon Th/U ratio of the two samples is 0.2~1.0, both of which have a clear oscillating ring structure, indicating the zircon of magmatic origin. The study ...
Mass flux of fluid (kg/m2/s) and volumetric flux of source and sink (m3/m3/s) are represented by Mp and ϕ, and qp and t represent effective porosity (m3/m3) and time (s), respectively. The saturation of fluid (m3/m3) is embodied by Sp, and the subscript p is used to ...