accumulation may have taken place during the Early Devonian21; post-accumulation alteration processes occurred in the Shunbei Oilfield (such as biodegradation, gas washing), and gas washing may be the dominant factor responsible for the presence of condensates in this region26. These pieces of knowl...
accumulation may have taken place during the Early Devonian21; post-accumulation alteration processes occurred in the Shunbei Oilfield (such as biodegradation, gas washing), and gas washing may be the dominant factor responsible for the presence of condensates in this region26. These pieces of knowl...
Urban runoff appears to be a pathway for transferring new emerging pollutants from land-based sources to the aquatic environment. This paper aimed to identify and describe the groups of pollutants present in rainwater surface runoff as well as their mixt
13. Previous researches on CBM of the Suzhou Mining Area mainly focused on specific aspect, such as hydrochemical characteristics, gas content and composition, the origin of CBM, coal quality and petrology, mining conditions of CBM, geological structure and tectonic thermal ...
compensate for it, detect a peak, interpolate the base line under the peak, calculate an exact integral of the detector signal, determine the retention time and sometimes the peak efficiency, and allocate the area of partly unresolved peaks in different ways, depending on the choice of the ...
2.2 Comparisonofvolatileandsemi‐volatile constituentsindifferentChangbaiareaginseng Generally,ginsengsarecultivatedunder shadefor4to6yearstoyieldhigh‐qualitygin‐ 68 第1 期 赵锦花 ,等 :长白山不同区域人参中挥发性、半挥发性成分的研究 sengwithmedicinaleffects [10] .Withthediffer‐ entcultivatearea,thechemical...
[40,41,42]. In this study, the result indicated that under the current climate conditions, the potential distribution area ofA. truncatumwas located mainly in 18 provinces/regions in China. TheA. truncatumin the high suitability areas are concentrated in the north and southwest of China, ...
In this study, we have studied an area under reconstruction in the central parts of Gothenburg, Sweden (population 600,000). The aim of the study was to: (1) investigate the occurrence of different categories of MP on road surfaces within an urban reconstruction area, and in stormwater from...
questioning its long-term stability under a continued anthropogenic warming. Prolonged periods of open water are reported from east of the Lincoln Sea and north of Ellesmere Island17,18and increased ice motion19and loss of the oldest MYI12are associated with recurrent failure of the Nares Strait ...
making it an excellent heterogeneous catalyst even under harsh reaction conditions24,25. As a catalyst support, ZrO2exhibits better chemical properties and higher stability than the traditional catalyst supports of γ-alumina and silica26. Among the common techniques of synthesizing ZrO2are sol-gel27,...