A message from the Ukrainian Security Service of Ukraine, which claimed it had shown its forces at Kupiansk hours later, suggested that they were seized it by Ukrainian troops. The Ukrainian military didn’t immediately confirm entering the town, a railway hub that Russia seized in February. S...
Enerhodar and its Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant have come under repeated shelling in recent weeks, which Russia and Ukraine accused each other of committing. The shelling has raised fears of a radiation leak at the plant, which has been cut off from outside power sources; the facility...
BEIJING, April 17 (Xinhua) -- The Russia-Ukraine conflict continued on Saturday as the Russian military announced that the entire urban area of Mariupol city in eastern Ukraine has been fully controlled. The following are the latest developments: The Russian military has fully cleared the entire ...
The paper aims to explore the integrated experience of projects that the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM) implements in the field of nonproliferation education in Russia and Ukraine starting from 2005. SSM and its local partners managed to achieve the following objectives: ensure sustainable re...
With Ukraine Crisis, Russia Dims as Growth Area for Car Sales ; Executives Voice Caution at Swiss Auto Show and Worry about a RecoveryRelief about an incipient recovery of the European auto marketwas clouded by the crisis in...Ewing, Jack...
Ukraine's incursion, although Moscow could still use pontoons and smaller bridges. Ukraine's air force chief, Lt. Gen. Mykola Oleshchuk, on Friday, released a video of an airstrike that cut the bridge in two.Less than two days later, Ukrainian troops hit a second bridge in Russia, ...
As the European economy was well into its recovery from two years of COVID-19 pandemic, it was strong enough to take in the first impacts of the Russia-Ukraine conflict. However, the true cost of the conflict remains to be seen, so a close monitoring of the situation should allow the ...
As the European economy was well into its recovery from two years of COVID-19 pandemic, it was strong enough to take in the first impacts of the Russia-Ukraine conflict. However, the true cost of the conflict remains to be seen, so a close monitoring of the situation should allow the ...
During the last 2500 years, the vegetation cover of the steppe belt in southern Russia and Ukraine took on its present-day aspect. On the one hand, there is close correlation between the Holocene vegetation history of southern Russia and Ukraine and, on the other hand, the steppe belt of ...
A large sting operation took place over a few days and multiple law enforcement agencies captured and arrested 5 men in the Texarkana area for alleged online solicitation of a minor and solicitation of prostitution. The Texarkana Texas Police Department joined forces with investigators from the Bowie...