From that point, simply calculate the area of each piece (regular polygon) and add them up to find the value of interest. First, then, knowing the formulas for the areas of well-known regular polygons is imperative. Some of them are: Triangle = {eq}(b * h) / 2 {/eq} (Base ...
Secure multi-party computationStronger proofWeaker assumptionWe address a concrete secure multi-party computational (MPC) problem related to a triangle, of which the coordinates of the three vertexes are confidentially kept by the three participants,...doi:10.1007/978-3-319-08344-5_6Liang Liu...
They also gave an O(1)-approximation algorithm with running time O(nlogn) for finding a largest-area convex polygon inscribed in a simple n-gon, and an (1−ε)-approximation algorithm for finding a large fat1 triangle or rectangle in a simple n-gon without holes in O(n) time ...
thereisasimplegeometricmanipulationofarationaltrianglewhichyieldsinfin- itelymanyotherswiththesamearea.Theanswerisaffirmative:thesetriangles maybeselectedtohaveasideincommonwiththeoriginaltriangle,unlessthat triangleisequilateral(Theorems2and4).Theproofofthisstrongerstatement ...