Cenozoic environments in the Tasmanian Sea area of the Southern Ocean (ODP Leg 189): inferences from bulk and clay mineralogy. In: Exon, N.F., Kennett, J.P., Malone, M.J. (Eds.), The Cenozoic Southern Ocean: Tectonics, Sedi- mentation, and Climate Change between Australia and ...
New Zealand is in the southern part of the Pacific Ocean. The whole land area of New Zealand is 268,680 square kilometers. It is a little larger Colorado in the USA. New Zealand is made up of two main islands(岛) and a number of smaller islands. The South Island is . And the Nor...
WELLINGTON, Nov. 30 (Xinhua) -- New Zealand Foreign Minister Winston Peters lauded on Thursday the set-up of Ross Sea Marine Protected Area (MPA) in the Southern Ocean. The Ross Sea region MPA, which comes into effect on Dec. 1, is the result of a joint New Zealand-United States init...
1New Zealand is in the southern part of the Pacific Ocean. The total land area of New Zealand is268,680 'km2. It is less than that of Japan, and slightly larger than Colorado in the USA. New Zeal-and is made up of two main islands and a number of smaller islands. The South Islan...
本次工作采用FVCOM模型(An Unstructured Grid,Finite-Volume Coastal Ocean Model)构建了包括研究区在内的南海沉积动力模型。FVCOM模型由美国麻省大学海洋生态动力学模型实验室主导开发[24],该模型考虑了多种海气要素(如风场、热通量、蒸发和降水、海冰以及河流淡水的输入等)的作用,模拟结果可靠,近年来被广泛用于大洋和...
2完形填空 New Zealand is in the southern part of the Pacific Ocean. The whole land area of New Zealand is 268,680 square kilometers. It is a little larger 1 Colorado in the USA. New Zealand is made up of two main islands(岛) and a number of smaller islands. The South Island is ...
25, 2018 shows iceberg seen from China's research icebreaker Xuelong in a floating ice area in Southern Ocean. China's research icebreaker Xuelong has entered a floating ice area in the Southern Ocean to avoid a cyclone. It is scheduled to reach the Zhongshan Station in Antarctica on Nov. ...
Presents a study which examined the relationships between physical variables and species of vascular plants, insects, land and seabird, and mammals for the Southern Ocean Islands. Reassessment of the relationships between physical and biological variables and species richness; Indications of a strong rela...
2008. Marine habitat modification through artificial reefs off the Algarve (southern Portugal): an economic analysis of the fisheries and the prospects for management. Ocean & Coastal Management, 51(6): 463–468, doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2008.04.004 Article Google Scholar Xie...
Daily variations of water discharge and sediment discharge into the sea from Yellow River from 1950 to 2000 and relevant influential factors that generate these changes [J]. Periodical of Ocean University of China, 2005, 35(2): 237-244. Google Scholar [6] Wang H J, Bi N S, Wang Y...