This chapter discusses the measurement of peak area and deviation of sample composition in the quantitative analysis by gas chromatography (GC). Quantitative analysis can, in principle, be carried out on the basis of either peak height or peak area. The repeatability of peak area is much better...
Urban runoff appears to be a pathway for transferring new emerging pollutants from land-based sources to the aquatic environment. This paper aimed to identify and describe the groups of pollutants present in rainwater surface runoff as well as their mixt
accumulation may have taken place during the Early Devonian21; post-accumulation alteration processes occurred in the Shunbei Oilfield (such as biodegradation, gas washing), and gas washing may be the dominant factor responsible for the presence of condensates in this region26. These pieces of knowl...
accumulation may have taken place during the Early Devonian21; post-accumulation alteration processes occurred in the Shunbei Oilfield (such as biodegradation, gas washing), and gas washing may be the dominant factor responsible for the presence of condensates in this region26. These pieces of knowl...
and then infinitely close to a certain value. Based on the plots in Fig.6, it can be seen that the desorbed gas content accounts for the majority of the total before about 100 min1/2, and the incremental curve shows a distribution with one primary peak and multiple secondary peaks as ...
the Peak Simple Chromatography, SRI model 202 software. The chromatographic columns were made of stainless steel of 2 mm internal diameter and 20 cm long. Helium was selected as carrier gas at a flow rate of about 25 ml/min. 2.3.3. Preparation of the columns In order to fill the ch...
Abstract:Arapidanalysismethodwasestablishedtoinvestigatevolatileandsemi‐volatilecompoundsin ginsengofChangbaiMountainbygaspurgemicrosyringeextraction(GP‐MSE)coupledwithgaschromatog‐ raphymassspectrometry(GC‐MS)technology.Theresultsshowed45compoundsweredeterminedfrom Fuxing‐Xuelingginseng,accountingfor87%peakareaofthe...
The results are then compared to those obtained using Doppler radar during the summer monsoon in Naqu. The results show that: (1) The echo peak height, echo area, proportion of strong echo, and echo distribution range from April to October are greater than those from November to March in ...
NH3-TPD profile (Fig.4), bare ZrO2showed a small desorption peak at 489 °C, indicating medium acid strength. Regarding the surfactant-assisted nanoparticles, ZrO2(P123)exhibited a small desorption peak at 254 °C, and ZrO2(CTAB)showed a broader desorption peak centered at 266 °C, ...
The present study aimed to gain a comprehensive knowledge of the presence and environmental risks of pesticide and repellent residues in Lake Balaton and its sub-catchment area (Hungary). A unique analysis of 439 active substances and 17 metabolites was