Blezard RH (1980) Calculated sea area of the New Zealand 200 nautical mile Exclusive Economic Zone. N Z J Mar Freshwater Res 14(2):137–138Blezard, R. H. (1980). Calculated sea area of the New Zealand 200 nautical mile Exclusive Economic Zone. New Zealand Journal of Marine and ...
68.The area of Tasmania, of New Zealand, ofNew Guinea and of the Pacific Islands add up to about squarekilometres . A.8,935,500 B.1,320,900 C.7,614,600 D.16,550,100 69.Oceania is made up of .(SupposeI: Australia ;II: Tasmania and New Zealand ; III: New Guinea and the ...
(2009). The conservation (protected area) status of New Zealand's indigenous grasslands: an update. New Zealand Journal of Botany 47: 53-60.Mark AF, Pascale M, Dickinson KJM, McLennan B. 2009. The conservation (protected area) status of New Zealand's indigenous grasslands: an update. New...
沙漠化区域(km2) 560,沙尘暴频率8 相关内容 a新西兰储备银行(Reserve Bank of New Zealand)货币政策会议宣布,维持现金利率在纪录低点2.5%不变,基督城发生地震后,该行于3月下调50个基点以刺激经济复苏。 New Zealand Reserve bank (Reserve Bank of New Zealand) the monetary policy conference announced that, the...
p ermit and doctor's letter to tak e on th e longer hikes, but one- day hikes giv e anyon e a chanc e to se e mor e of the Namib.Tongariro Location: New Zealand Area:795km2As New Zealand's oldest national park, Tongariro National Park is hom e to thre e activ e volcanoes...
We used a curve, for the response of occupancy rate to patch area only due to passive sampling, as the null response curve. Occupancy probability to patch area exceeded the null response curve after 40.4 km2 (Fig. 1), suggesting area-sensitivity of giant panda. 9do0fid%pW%nloie....
The aim of this study was to relate the longitudinal distribution of fish and crayfish to increasing basin area and physical site characteristics in the Mangaotama Stream, Waikato region, North Island, New Zealand. Fish and crayfish were captured with twopass removal electroshocking at 11 sites lo...
New Zealand is one of the first jurisdictions to use lidar sampling in an operational context, having developed a plot-based forest carbon inventory system that relies on the use of ALS. By means of circular plots that are 0.06 ha in size located on a systematic 4 km grid, lidar measures...
Dating of streamwater using tritium in a post nuclear bomb pulse world: continuous variation of mean transit time with streamflow Tritium measurements of streamwater draining the Toenepi catchment, a small dairy farming area in Waikato, New Zealand, have shown that the mean transit ti... U Morg...
The Rotorua 1:250 000 geological map covers 24 800 km2 of the Bay of Plenty, Waikato, Hawke's Bay, Gisborne and Manawatu-Wanganui regions in the North Island, New Zealand. The Hauraki Plains and Kaimai Range extend into the northwest qua... G Leonard,J Begg,C Wilson - Geology of the...