//Java program to Calculate Area of a Circle. import java.util.Scanner; public class AreaCircle { public static void main(String[] args) { double radius; Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in); // input radius of circle System.out.print("Enter the Radius of Circle : "); radius = sc....
In this program, we will java Program see how to calculate the area of a circle when the radius is given.
To produce a program that calculates and outputs the circumference and area of a circlegiven its radius.You are asked to model the system by two classes. An application class Driver containingthe main method, and a class Circle storing the radius of the circle. Such class will have...
/* Java program to create class to calculatearea and perimeter of circle. */importjava.util.*;classAreaOfCircle{privatefloatradius=0.0f;privatefloatarea=0.0f;privatefloatperimeter=0.0f;//function to read radiuspublicvoidreadRadius(){//Scanner class - to read value from keyboardScanner sc=...
Java Basic: Exercise-11 with Solution Write a Java program to print the area and perimeter of a circle. In geometry, the area enclosed by a circle of radius r is πr2. Here the Greek letter π represents a constant, approximately equal to 3.14159, which is equal to the ratio of the ...
@文心快码BaiduComate编写java程序,具体要求为: (1)定义一个计算面积的接口area,在接口中有计算面积的方法double getarea( )方法,再定义四个类分别是:正方形squre类、矩形rectangle类、梯形trapezoid类和圆circle类,这些类均需要实现area接口,并重写接口中的为getarea( )方法,该方法可以计算正方形、矩形、梯形和圆的...
编写一个完整的Java Application 程序。包含接口ShapeArea,类Circle、Rectangle、Test,具体要求如下:⑴接口ShapeArea:
public Circle(){ super();System.out.println("输入圆的半径:");r=sc.nextDouble();setR(r);double s=getArea();System.out.println("圆的面积S="+s);} public void setR(double r){ this.r=r;} public Double getArea(){ double s=(Math.PI)*(Math.pow(this.r, 2));return s...
C Program To Calculate Profit or Loss In 2 Ways | C Programs C Program To Check Whether A Year Is Leap Year Or Not | C Programs C Program Find Circumference Of A Circle | 3 Ways C Program Area Of Triangle | C Programs C Program To Check If Triangle Is Valid Or Not | C Programs...
Program to find area of circle in Kotlin packagecom.includehelp.basicimport java.util.*// PI Constant ValuevalPI =3.14/* function to calculate area of circle of given radius */fungetAreaOfCirlce(radius: Double): Double {returnPI * radius * radius }// Main Method Entry Point of Programfun...