Area code lookup for US cities and an area codes locator to find the location of area codes. Complete area code list for the US and Canada
Reverse phone lookup also available. Place the phone number in the search bar or on the lookup page to discover the location of all your callers even if they are calling from a cellphone or toll free number.© Area Phone Codes, 2017 Area Codes Lookup Contacts Privacy Policy ...
Area codes for all of the United States, Canada and the Caribbean with information about overlays and splits. Look up by state or area code.
Define area code. area code synonyms, area code pronunciation, area code translation, English dictionary definition of area code. n. 1. The first three digits of a ten-digit phone number in the United States, Canada, and the Caribbean, associated with a
Area Codes An area code is the three digit number that begins all North American phone numbers. This number helps to identify the region in which a phone number originated. Public information on what carrier a phone number belongs to is also relayed in the phone number. This is communicated ...
ZIP code 85241 is not currently assigned by the US Postal Service to any city. Only about 42,000 of the 100,000 possible 5-digit ZIP codes are currently in use.Are you looking for the ZIP code for a particular street address? If so, click here. ...
Updated monthly. Current version: January 2025 30-day money-back guarantee. Toll-free support. Here are just a few of the many ways you can use our ZIP code databases and programs: Find thecity and statefor any ZIP code. List all ZIP codes in astate, county, city, ortime zone. ...
Case number being sued Decoding area codes and phone numbers Prefix/Area code eg. XXX – XXX – XXXX Each phone number can be broken down in 3 parts. The prefix, or area code is specific to each state. For example, the 213 area code is specific to California, where the 212 area code...
AMERICAN SAMOA684 NORTH DAKOTA701 NEVADA702,725,775 PUERTO RICO787,939 VERMONT802 SOUTH CAROLINA803,843,854,864 HAWAII808 ALASKA907 BLOG IDTitle 1 -Phone Number Tracking 2 -Totally Free Spoof Caller Id 3 -Phone Number Lookup 4 -Reverse Phone Lookup...
Why would you ever need an area code lookup? From marketing to personal safety, there’s more to area codes than you might think. All phone numbers have area codes. They typically indicate the geographic location from which a call originates. But did you know there are non-geographic area...