Enter a city and state to find area codes used in the city. Alternatively, enter the number to find the location, timezone, and more.
Area code lookup for US cities and an area codes locator to find the location of area codes. Complete area code list for the US and Canada
The last four digits of a US phone number is the subscriber number. This is the number assigned to each person when they purchase a new phone number in a specific area code. Find phone numbers and area code locations using our area code lookup. Search by area code, city, state and lo...
Locate the right phone area codes for every nation around the world with our easy to use site. Browse our complete list or use our convenient lookup page for the dial code you need. Reverse phone lookup also available. Place the phone number in the search bar or on the lookup page to ...
Area Codes An area code is the three digit number that begins all North American phone numbers. This number helps to identify the region in which a phone number originated. Public information on what carrier a phone number belongs to is also relayed in the phone number. This is communicated ...
Simplify your area code search. Full area code list and locator. Look up USA area codes by state. An area code directory including detailed city and state guides.
Instant Reverse Telephone Number Search Over 2 Billion Phone Numbers Search Area code is a type of numbering scheme used in telecommunication. Telephone numbers are the addresses of participants in a telephone network. In the United States and Canada, area codes were first allocated in 1947. There...
Instant Reverse Telephone Number Search Over 2 Billion Phone Numbers Search Area code is a type of numbering scheme used in telecommunication. Telephone numbers are the addresses of participants in a telephone network. In the United States and Canada, area codes were first allocated in 1947. There...
Free ZIP code Lookup For any valid ZIP code, find the city and state, plus:county name and FIPS code area code time zone latitude and longitude MSA/PMSA 2012 population Enter a ZIP code, city, or city and stateData Source: ZIPList5 Product Line July 2024 Search our ZIP Code database...
Find the corresponding country for any telephone area code or country code with the area code reverse lookup tool. Try our reverse phone number search to see where you call came from.