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What are the telephone area codes in the Philippines? The international country code for the Philippines is 63. Area codes from 03X to 09X have been set at seven digits, with area codes fixed at one, two, or three digits. Telephone numbers for area code 02 are fixed at eight digits. ...
Area code lookup for US cities and an area codes locator to find the location of area codes. Complete area code list for the US and Canada
See https://download.bls.gov/pub/time.series/la/la.area_type areatype_text string 14 Counties and equivalents Cities and towns above 25,000 population Name of the area type. footnote_codes string 5 nan P measure_code string 4 5 4 Code identifying element measured. 03: unemployment rate,...
The area codes listed below may change. Each state may have more than one telephone area code. Some area codes may be confined within only parts of a city within a state.For alisting of US area codes by number in the numerical orderCLICK HERE ...
Discover Puerto Rico ZIP codes by city and county, with area codes, and population—perfect for research, demographics, and business planning.
Louisiana is currently using five area codes. Louisiana is not utilizing any area code overlays. Louisiana originally had one area code, 504, when the numbering system was established in 1947. Ten years later in 1957 Louisiana had experienced sufficient growth in population and telephone use to ne...
This page provides the list of 5-digit zip codes corresponding to the area code 701.There are 730 zip codes corresponding to area code 701.You can click on the zip code to view the specific information, or check the list of all the 9-digit zip codes. ZIP CodeCityState 58001 Abercrombie...
Changements majeurs à la numérotation téléphoniquevietnamienneen 2017 et 2018 [vi=Tiếng Việt • en=English • fr=français] Africa:🌍 Map and comprehensive multilingual listing of telephone country codes, city codes, Internet country codes, and time zones forAfrica, updated2020-12...
52 - Country Code for Mexico phone number - 10 digits, area code includedArea codes & number examplesLocationDialing formatOr using + Acapulco 011 52 744 xxx xxxx +52 744 xxx xxxx Aguascalientes 011 52 449 xxx xxxx +52 449 xxx xxxx Apodaca 011 52 81 xxxx xxxx +52 81 xxxx xxxx Cabo ...