區域代碼 : SCO 地區名稱 : South Cotabato 城市 : General Santos 時區 : Asia/Manila 世界協調時間 : +08:00 夏令時 : 是 全國相當數量的最小長度 : 9 緯度 : 6.1200 經度 : 125.1700 ‹ 上一頁 : +63-83-(3060000...3069999) 下一頁 › : +63-83-(3080000...3089999) Di...
The present study endeavored to determine the prev- alence of HAU in the city of Salvador, the capital of the state of Bahia, an endemic area for HTLV-1 in Brazil, as well as to describe the types of uveitis and associated symptoms identified in both HTLV-1-infected patients and un...
These samples were obtained from bat community sampled between June 2017 and January 2018 in Campo Grande city at Brazilian Midwest. Trypanosomatid speciesHost SpeciesAnimal CodeGenBank Acession NumberTemplateQuery CoverIdentityHomologous Sequence GenBank Acession Number Leishmania amazonensis Carollia ...
inhabited by Sundanese people, is located in the Rancakalong district of Sumedang Regency, approximately 46 km northeast of Bandung City, the capital of West Java Province (Fig.1). The local communities in Rancakalong District, the focus of this study, are known for their strong...
The six explanatory variables were the red, green and NIR surface reflectance values of the two Landsat-8 OLI images used to derive the Landsat burned area reference data, and the predictor variable was a binary code to denote if the pixel was burned or unburned as defined by the Landsat ...
In general, northern subregions tend to be colder and drier, while southern regions are typically warmer and wetter [8]. In terms of elevation, there are significant differences in China’s terrain. Among them, NE, NC, and SC are generally below 1000 m in elevation; NW is in the range ...
The pseude code of the algorithm can be found in Algorithm 1. Figure 3. Illustration of LDCE segmentation. Clusters expand over time (a–c) until all clusters have reached a size greater than the 𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑝_𝑠𝑖𝑧𝑒stop_size threshold (d). Algorithm 1 LDCE floor plan ...
Open Location Code76C2RQMF+22 OpenStreetMap IDway 115224202 OpenStreetMap Featurelanduse=recreation_groundThis page is based on OpenStreetMap, Wikidata and Wikimedia Commons. We welcome you to please improve upon our open data sources. Thank you for your contributions. Edit ...
+63-83-(3080000...3089999), General Santos, South Cotabato 地區代碼 +63-83-(3080000...3089999) 位於 General Santos, South Cotabato (SCO), 更詳細如下。 位置 國際撥號代碼 : 63 國際前綴 : 00 國家前綴 : 0 國內目的地代碼 : 83 用戶號碼從 : 3080000 用戶號碼至 : 3089999 國內...
This is characteristic of the Jaguaribe River, the largest river in Brazil totally inside of the semiarid region (Fig. 1), where there are more than 170 water reservoirs to assure water supply to agriculture, local human settlements, and the city of Fortaleza (∼3.6 million of inhabitants)...