<img src ="/pix/examples/australia-nz-map.gif" width="200" height="142" alt="Map of Australia and New Zealand" usemap ="#aus-nz"> <map name="aus-nz"> <area shape ="poly" coords ="3,47,45,12,105,7,140,60,120,125,12,90" href ="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/...
shop-nz.polar.comFinland$698k+$5000+150,000+1,000+High lifestyle.qobuz.comFrance$5000+5,000+Very High filippoloreti.comSweden$169k+$2000+50,000+10+- store.fcbarcelona.comSpain$10000+5,000,000+Very High staging.fratellowatches.comNetherlands$500+5,000+Medium ...
Exploration drilling in the Blendevale area, Western Australia: a case historydoi:10.1016/0148-9062(87)91076-XSDOSInternational Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences & Geomechanics Abstracts
(NZ) CSA Conservative Students Association CSA Club Savoyard d'Aquariophilie (French: Savoyard Club Aquarium) CSA Commercial Service Area CSA Career Scholarship Account CSA Crash Sensing Algorithm CSA Center for Social Assessment CSA Charyl Stockwell Acadamy (Howell, MI) CSA Community Service of ...
For example, in a national jurisdiction, the New Zealand Environmental Protection Authority (NZEPA) conditions of marine consents include: performance bonds for conditions, public liability insurance, monitoring and reporting the details of the consented activity and its effects, auditing of activity and...
You may also contact your supplier for more information on the environmental performances of this product. Germany GS marked to EN60950-1:2001. Australia/NZ C-Tick Statement Conforms to AS/NZS 3548. South Korea (4600r only) M IC MIC Class A EMC requirements. Mexico Conforms to NOM-019. ...
(2015). Retrospective small area forecasts were produced for a 10-year horizon and compared to actual population estimates in Australia, New Zealand, and England & Wales. Of the methods evaluated, the best models were found to be a modified share-of-growth model (calculated as shares of ...
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking (2015) 2015:36 Page 8 of 11 Table 3 Simulation parameters Parameters Value FFT and IFFT size Nfft Number of ZPS NZPS 128 37 Convolutional coder (K = 7) rate One-half Convolutional decoder and mode Viterbi, hard Interleaver/de-...
Spatial analysis of Australian and New Zealand historical bottom trawl fishing effort in the Convention Area of the South Pacific Regional Fisheries Management OrganisationData filtering and correction... 3 Generation of bottom trawl effort maps......