STATEAREA CODE Alabama205,251,256,334,483,659,938 Alaska907 Arizona480,520,602,623,928 Arkansas327,479,501,870 California209,213,279,310,323,341,350,357,369,408,415,424,442,510,530,559,562,619,626,628,650,657,661,669,707,714,738,747,760,805,818,820,831,837,840,858,909,916,92...
Phone_num: the number you used to add country code and area code, it can be in number format, text format, such as “44243342”, “442-433-42”. How this formula work Supposing the phone number in cell B3, area code in cell E3, country code in cell F3, please use below formula:...
Area codes for all of the United States, Canada and the Caribbean with information about overlays and splits. Look up by state or area code.
Area code lookup for US cities and an area codes locator to find the location of area codes. Complete area code list for the US and Canada
This page provides the query of 5-digit zip codes by area code. All U.S. area codes are listed below. You can click the area code to view all zip codes, or directly enter the area code through the search box to find the corresponding result. The data can
However, the 442 area code remains in use and residents are required to dial ten digit phone numbers even for local calls. Google Voice has started to offer phone numbers with the 760 area code, which is undoubtedly appealing to residents who were in favor of keeping it. ...
442-347-4211 978-775-6354 916-470-0860 301-372-2863 301-433-8387 949-384-6576 954-765-6436 650-632-4636 201-408-6390 717-787-2104 717-204-4397 209-254-6060 516-893-6180 423-906-4290 22665020867 804-419-4985 727-469-8811
Select “Central Office Code Utilized Report” for most queries. You may also wish to refer to the Local Calling Guide, which allows for a variety of searches by prefix, by rate center, or by operating company. If you need to find the new area code for an old telephone number, try ...
Complete guide on how to dial the United States of America with country code, mobile and geographic area codes, phone number format...
Other cities in the 787 area code include: Caguas, Carolina, Arecibo, Aguada, Mayaguez, Toa Baja, Fajardo, Vega Alta, Rio Grande, Humacao, Cidra, Guayanilla, Manati, San German, Cabo Rojo, Naranjito, Camuy, Juana Diaz, Juncos, Salinas, Canovanas, Guayama, Arroyo, Aguadilla, Aibonito, Bar...