Instantly get the Canada country code and Canadian area codes to help you make your international call to Canada. Our complete resource of area & country codes will help you make your call to Ottawa and other Canadian cities.
In 1947 when the North American Numbering Plan was established Canada was assigned nine area codes. These included Area Code 204 - Manitoba, Area Code 306 - Saskatchewan, Area Code 403 - Alberta, Area Code 416 - Ontario, Area Code 418 - Quebec, Area Code 514 - Quebec, Area Code 604 -...
There are more than 19451 Canada Area Code Database in this website, including International Dialing Code, International Prefix, National Prefix, National Destination Code, Subscriber Number From, Subscriber Number To, National Destination Code Length, U
Area codes for all of the United States, Canada and the Caribbean with information about overlays and splits. Look up by state or area code.
Area code 437 serves Toronto, Ontario, Canada. It is an overlay for area code 416 and serves the same area. What time zone is area code 437? The 437 area code is located in the Eastern timezone. The Eastern time zone is also known as America/New_York. As of the last time this pa...
705 Ontario - Northern 807 Ontario - NorthWest 613 Ontario - SouthEast 519 Ontario - SouthWest 416 Ontario - City of Toronto 503 Oregon - Portland tri-metro 541 Oregon 971 Oregon 445 Pennsylvania 610 Pennsylvania 835 Pennsylvania 878 Pennsylvania ...
Complete guide on how to dial Canada with country code, mobile and geographic area codes, phone number format...
Original Canada Area Codes: 1947 Province Area Code Section (if applicable) Alberta 403 British Columbia 604 Manitoba 204 Maritime Prov's. 902 Ontario 416 southern Ontario 613 northern Québec 418 eastern Québec 514 western Saskatchewan 306 ...
OntarioToronto21700002179999BELL ONTARIOG OntarioToronto21800002189999BELL ONTARIOG OntarioToronto21900002199999ROGERS COMM CANADAM OntarioToronto22000002209999TELUS MOBILITY PCSM OntarioToronto22100002219999BELL ONTARIOG OntarioToronto22200002229999BELL ONTARIOG
Country: Canada Major City: Hamilton, ON Timezone: Eastern Current Time: 12:54pm Short URL: Canada Area Code Map Area Code 289 Map © OpenStreetMapWhere is area code 289? Area code 289 serves the area surrounding Toronto, Ontario, Canada including Hamilton. ...