Area Code 718-410 located in BRONX, BRONX, NY, more detail is as below. Place NPA (Numbering Plan Area):718 NXX (Local Number Prefix):410 City:BRONX County:BRONX State:NY (New York) NXX Use Type:Landline NXX Intro Version:1998-01-25 ...
地区代码 718-829 位于 BRONX, BRONX, NY, 更多详细信息如下。 位置 NPA (编号计划区):718 NXX (本地电话号码前缀):829 城市:BRONX 区县:BRONX 州:NY (纽约) NXX使用类型:座机 NXX引入时间:1994-02-04 FIPS (联邦信息处理标准):36005 LATA (本地接入传输区域):132 ...
城市 运营商名称:Bronx 这是美国 城市 运营商名称:Bronx 区号数据库的页面列表。 您可以点击标题浏览详细信息。 区域代码: NY 地区名称国内目的地代码Sn fromSn to号码类型 New York34720240002024999G New York34720250002025999G New York34720270002027999G
地区代码 +1-347-(2025000...2025999) 位于 Bronx, New York (NY), 更多详细信息如下。 位置 国际拨号代码:1 国际前缀:011 国家前缀:1 国内目的地代码:347 用户号码从:2025000 用户号码至:2025999 国内目的地代码长度:3 采用国内目的地代码:是
718 7:00 • 8:00 NY NYC: Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island [718 & 347 & 929 & 917 (& 465)] 719 5:00 • 6:00 CO Colorado Springs, southeastern 720 5:00 • 6:00 CO Denver (303 & 720 & 983) 721 8:00 — 🇸🇽 Sint Maarten (Dutch Caribbean); 724 7:00 ...
Area Code for Manhattan New York The area codes917, 212, 332, and 646cover Manhattan, New York. Area Code for the Bronx New York The Bronx utilizes the area codes917, 347, 718, and 929. Area Code for Brooklyn New York The area codes917, 347, 718, and 929are also used by Brooklyn...
10282 Ny City New York 10282 Nyc New York 10302 Staten Island New York 10304 Staten Island New York 10305 Staten Island New York 10307 Staten Island New York 10309 Staten Island New York 10312 Staten Island New York 10314 Staten Island New York 10452 Bronx New York 10452 Highbridge New York...
Get a 917 area code and establish a presence in New York City! NY phone numbers can help you expand your clientele, serving the Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, and Staten Island.Book Demo Start for Free Why Your Business Needs a Local 917 Area Code Number Save money Using a virtual...
Bronx NYC - Stadium Area 2.5 stars out of 5 500 Exterior Street, Bronx, New York (NY), United States, 10451 - See map Get the added peace of mind that comes with IHG Clean Promise, when you book a stay here. Conveniently situated in the Bronx part of New York (NY), this property...
(465)7:00 • 8:00New York City (Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island),incl. Far Rockaway, Flushing, Jamaica, Long Island City; also includes the Marble Hill neighborhood of Manhattan;(718 & 347 & 929 overlay;465 overlay to be addedlate 2026;see also917) ...