Area code lookup for US cities and an area codes locator to find the location of area codes. Complete area code list for the US and Canada
This table lists all active area codes and some upcoming new area codes in numerical order, with a brief description of the location. If you need greater detail on the cities within that area code, please refer to the table at <> For listings by prefix in the...
408 Area Code located in California, including 17 cities, 5 counties, 1 time zone, map, Census demographics, and 744 active prefixes.
Area Code 419 MapWhere is area code 419? Area code 419 is located in northwestern Ohio and covers Toledo, Mansfield, and Findlay. It has a single overlay (567) that serves the same area. What time zone is area code 419? The 419 area code is located in the Eastern timezone. The East...
In most cases, the area code can be used to determine the original location of a telephone number because area codes were originally developed in the 1940s to route calls to a specific area without the need for an operator. In some cases, area codes are used for special purposes that are...
Type: Residential area Location: Yancheng, Jiangsu, East China, China, East Asia, Asia View on OpenStreetMapLatitude32.85503° or 32° 51' 18" north Longitude120.3694° or 120° 22' 10" east Open Location Code8Q42V949+2Q OpenStreetMap IDway 436811587 OpenStreetMap ...
Location:Shanghai Municipality,Shanghai,East China,China,East Asia,Asia View on OpenStreetMap Latitude 31.32989° or 31° 19' 48" north Longitude 121.58234° or 121° 34' 56" east Open Location Code 8Q338HHJ+XW OpenStreetMap ID ...
location.protocol + '//' + + '/' + url._getCurrentUrl(); window.location.href = middleUrl + curUrl; }; /** * iframe调起方式 * @param {string} openapi 调起url */ var iframeCallup = function (openapi) { if (/^baidumap/.test(openapi)) { callAppType = 'map...
Map<int, string> where the key is the area code and the value is the location. Gah Im super confused this professor is horrid! ** On the map should I put the string then the int first? So that way it can look for the state than look for the area codes?
2.1.797 Part 4 Section, location (PivotTable Location) 2.1.798 Part 4 Section, m (No Value) 2.1.799 Part 4 Section, map (OLAP Measure Group) 2.1.800 Part 4 Section, measureGroup (OLAP Measure Group) 2.1.801 Part 4 Section,...