Area code lookup for US cities and an area codes locator to find the location of area codes. Complete area code list for the US and Canada
USA Country Code used for long distance calling. Instantly see ALL USA area codes. Country codes and Area codes for USA made easy!Akron area codes,Albany area codes,Alexandria area codes,Alexandria area codes,All Cities in Alaska area codes,All Cities in
There are more than 168,500 United States Area Code Database in this website, including State, Carrier Name, National Destination Code, City, Prefix, Usage etc. plus with online map.
Area code locator- find the area code for a US city or browse codes to see their locations Official area code mapsfrom the North American Numbering Plan Administrator Phone books and visitor guides: White Pages- people and business search ...
Location Search About The main functions of the NRUF report are to a) forecast the exhaust of every code within the NANP, and b) to forecast the exhaust of the NANP as an entire. NANPA is needed to gather, store and maintain variety resource utilization and forecast information. ...
The 646 area code is located in the Eastern timezone. The Eastern time zone is also known as America/New_York. As of the last time this page was loaded, the current time is 8:57pm. History Creation: Area code 646 was put into service on July 1, 1999 and was the 262nd area code...
With all of the area code splits that happen every year, how can phone number databases be kept up to date? Some companies have aggregated split-related area code and prefix information to assist in updating phone number databases. One example is Telcordia's ACSED product, described
ISO 3 digit CodeUSA Capital CityWashington DC CurrencyDollar Population310,232,863 Area (SQ KM)9,629,091 Here is some useful travel information about China. Flag RegionAsia ISO 2 digit CodeCN ISO 3 digit CodeCHN Capital CityBeijing
Area Code 646 Information Area code 646 belongs to New York, US. It is a General Purpose Code which was placed in service on January 1, 1947. Type General Purpose Code Use Geograpic Location New York (NY) Country US Service Date 01/07/1999 Service Related Area Codes Other area codes ...
Area code 256 is located in northeastern Alabama and covers Huntsville, Decatur, and Madison. It has a single overlay (938) that serves the same area. What time zone is area code 256? The 256 area code is located in the Central timezone. The Central time zone is also known as America...