USA Country Code used for long distance calling. Instantly see ALL USA area codes. Country codes and Area codes for USA made easy!Akron area codes,Albany area codes,Alexandria area codes,Alexandria area codes,All Cities in Alaska area codes,All Cities in
This page provides the query of 5-digit zip codes by area code. All U.S. area codes are listed below. You can click the area code to view all zip codes, or directly enter the area code through the search box to find the corresponding result. The data can be used for geographic ...
国内目的地代码:630 这是美国 国内目的地代码:630 区号数据库的页面列表。 您可以点击标题浏览详细信息。 区域代码: IL 地区名称城市Sn fromSn to运营商名称号码类型 IllinoisAurora22900002290999COMCAST PHONE-ILG IllinoisAurora22910002291999T-MOBILE USA INC.M...
Area code 700 was assigned in 1983 on the eve of the introduction of long distance competition in the US. The intent was that interexchange carriers could use 700 numbers to implement new services quickly. When a 700 number is dialed, the local exchange carrier processing the call routes it ...
Search There are more than 168,500 United States Area Code Database in this website, including State, Carrier Name, National Destination Code, City, Prefix, Usage etc. plus with online map. State Alabama Alaska American Samoa Arizona
Area code lookup for US cities and an area codes locator to find the location of area codes. Complete area code list for the US and Canada
Area Code 630 Area Code 631 Area Code 636 Area Code 640 Area Code 641 Area Code 646 Area Code 650 Area Code 651 Area Code 656 Area Code 657 Area Code 659 Area Code 660 Area Code 661 Area Code 662 Area Code 667 Area Code 669 Area Code 670 Area Code 671 Area Code 678 Area Code ...
ISO 3 digit CodeUSA Capital CityWashington DC CurrencyDollar Population310,232,863 Area (SQ KM)9,629,091 Here is some useful travel information about China. Flag RegionAsia ISO 2 digit CodeCN ISO 3 digit CodeCHN Capital CityBeijing
An area code is a three-digit code that represents a small geographical area withinCalifornia. Think of a phone number as a physical address and consider a typical Sacramento phone number, 916-CYY-XXXX. 916 is the area code representing a city or town within California – in this case, Sa...
美国区号(Americanareacode) ThecodesindifferentplacesinCaliforniaaredifferent.It isrecommendedtocheck http://.successtravel/usa/phone.asphere Areacode201-299 201,NewJersey,Hackensack,MorristownandNewark 202toColumbia,Washington,D.C. 203,thestateofConnecticut,BridgeportNew,Havenand ...