This page provides the query of 5-digit zip codes by area code. All U.S. area codes are listed below. You can click the area code to view all zip codes, or directly enter the area code through the search box to find the corresponding result. The data can be used for geographic ...
Area Code: 202This page provides the list of 5-digit zip codes corresponding to the area code 202.There are 586 zip codes corresponding to area code 202.You can click on the zip code to view the specific information, or check the list of all the 9-digit zip codes. ZIP CodeCityState ...
zip code 相当于postal code(邮政编码)area code 是电话区号 参考资料:<a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener"></a>
Find your zip code without sharing your GPS location. We estimate your area code entirely from the IP address you are using to access this website.
This unique Area Code by ZIP Code database includes area code splits and overlays*. *An Area Code Overlay is an alternate Area Code that applies to the same area as another Area Code. Overlays were created so that an area code would not have to be split again. For instance, Miami ...
Accurate and up-to-date ZIP code databases and programs with ZIP code related information such as area code, county, latitude, longitude, MSA, PMSA, FIPS code, time zone, and place FIPS. ZIP code data available for immediate download. All ZIP code databa
All of the area codes below are in the North American country code +1 (US, Canada, and various Caribbean-ish islands). If you are looking for an international telephone code, please refer to the Internet and Telephone Country Code listing (in English, optimized for Google Translate for other...
For any valid ZIP code, find the city and state, plus:county name and FIPS code area code time zone latitude and longitude MSA/PMSA 2012 population Enter a ZIP code, city, or city and stateData Source: ZIPList5 Product Line July 2024 Search our ZIP Code database yourself to test the...
Tucson Zip Code Map to Find Zip Codes for Tucson, Oro Valley, Marana, Dove Mountain and surrounding Tucson Communities. Find all zip ...
ZIP Express Software: is a utility allowing easy look up of U.S. ZIP Codes and their associated cities, states, counties, area codes, time zones and current time. Search by ZIP Code, City, County, State or Area Code. Auto paste data in any format into ap