Using the calculator. Using the trigonometric ratios to find unknown length. Unknown in the denominator. Bearings – the compass. Angles of elevation and depression. 关注「小留洋」,获取更多海外教育资源。机会是给有准备的家庭准备的,为孩子的海外求学之路做好坚实的铺垫。
Substituting in the formula above leads to Dividing both sides of the above equation by 2π(2) gives us which, using a calculator, yields 15.92 = h + 2. Subtracting 2 from both sides gives us the height of the cylinder as h = 15.92 - 2 = 13.92 cm....
Try the free Mathway calculator and problem solver below to practice various math topics. Try the given examples, or type in your own problem and check your answer with the step-by-step explanations. We welcome your feedback, comments and questions about this site or page. Please submit yo...
Surface Area of Composite Figures from Chapter 19 / Lesson 8 44K To find the surface area of composite figures, combine the surface area of each figure minus the overlap. Learn how to do this by looking at examples and a step-by-step walkthrough o...
Area of parallelogram: Example Once your parallelogram becomes a rectangle, you can easily measure the area using the previous steps © 2013 Meredith S. Moody Area of parallelograms: You try Find the area of the given parallelogram Once you convert the parallelogram to a rectangle, it is easy...
How to solve word problems and composite figures? Problem: A treasure chest is a composite figure. If you were to paint the surface area, how many square feet would you paint? Round your answer to the nearest square feet. Show Video Lesson Surface Area Of Prisms Using Nets This video ...
Your calculator answer would be 11.76 cm^2. Now suppose you are asked to give the answer to two significant fi A bedroom has a volume of 115 m^3. What is its volume in: a. km^3 b. dm^3 c. cm^3? Consider eight two-cubic centimeter (...
The coupling coordinated development index was calculated with SPSS software (V21.0) and the ArcGIS (V10.2) field calculator tool, and the data were visualized in ArcGIS (V10.2). 2.2. Data Sources The data used in this study included administrative boundaries at all levels, water data, POI ...
We set our confidence level at 95% and precision (margin of error) at 5% by using the sample-size calculator Raosoft ( accessed on 4 February 2020). The total population size of the selected communities was approximately 6500 [32]. The number of ...
Browse Figures Versions Notes Abstract Many studies have developed methods for assessing attractiveness, but the question is which one should be used to evaluate geopark designated areas? Therefore, the aim of this study is to find suitable criteria for assessing the attractiveness of a natural area...