Major cities or places in Ontario within area code 519 include: Area codes 519 along with area codes 226, 382 and 548 cover most of southwest Ontario including the larger communities of Brantford, Cambridge, Chatham, Clinton, Guelph, Kitchener-Waterloo, Leamington, London, Orangeville, Owen Sound...
倫敦 1 519 Montreal 蒙特利爾 1 514 Ottawa 渥太華 1 613 Quebec 魁北克 1 418 Toronto 多倫多 Metropolitan 中心 1 416 Outer 外圍 1 905 Vancouver 溫哥華 1 604 Windsor 溫澤爾 1 519 Winnipeg 溫尼伯 1 204 CAPE VERDE ISLAND 加那利群島 238 CAYMAN ISLAND 開曼群島 1 345 CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC 中非...
Changzhou519 Chaoyang7644 Chaozhou7681 or 8 Chengde314 Chengdu28 Chongan5098 Chongqing811 Conghua2092 Dagang22 Dalian411 Dandong415 Daqing4610 Deyang8241 Dongguan7620 Foshan757 Fuding5033 First Page <<12345>>Last Page To search for another Country Calling Code, select the country from the following ...
Area codes for all of the United States, Canada and the Caribbean with information about overlays and splits. Look up by state or area code.
摘要: Area code relief for area codes 226 and 519 in southwestern Ontario 收藏 引用 批量引用 报错 分享 全部来源 免费下载 求助全文 (全网免费下载) (全网免费下载) 相似文献Grain orientation and depositional ramps as flow direction indicators of a large-scale ...
Changzhou 519 Tianning District 213000 Wujin District 213100 Zhonglou District 213000 Liyang City 213300 Qishuyan District 213000 Jintan City 213200 Nantong 513 Chongchuan District 226000 Haian County 226600 Rugao City 226500 Gangzha District 226000 Rudong County 226400 Haimen City 226100 Tongzhou District ...
Area code lookup for US cities and an area codes locator to find the location of area codes. Complete area code list for the US and Canada
Prefix/Area code eg. XXX – XXX – XXXX Each phone number can be broken down in 3 parts. The prefix, or area code is specific to each state. For example, the 213 area code is specific to California, where the 212 area code is specific to New York. All phone numbers are regulated ...
548 7:00 • 8:00 ON 🇨🇦 London, Windsor, southern; (519 & 226 & 548 & 382) 551 7:00 • 8:00 NJ Hackensack, Jersey City (201 & 551) 557 6:00 • 7:00 MO St. Louis; (314 & 557 overlay, originally planned for 2001, finally happened on 2022-08-12); (see also...
There are more than 19451 Canada Area Code Database in this website, including International Dialing Code, International Prefix, National Prefix, National Destination Code, Subscriber Number From, Subscriber Number To, National Destination Code Length, U