These products certainly do not match the samples you have sent us,and neither are they suited to the needs 0f our customers.A.这些货物与贵方寄来的样品不配套,同时也不适合我们的需要。B.这些货物与贵方送来的样品显然不符,也不符合我方顾客需要。
___ do you ___? 答案1. These are 2. Are they 3. What;wearing 4. How many months 5. What day 6. What do;do 7. Where is 8. How do you 9. What;want to buy 10. Where ;want to go
BIDI101 Lesson 15 Attention Student: If you are not able to successfully submit your lesson, you may copy and paste this entire page to the
Come as You Are - Tenille Townes Lyrics by:Tenille Townes/Daniel Tashian/Marc Beeson Composed by:Tenille Townes/Daniel Tashian/Marc Beeson Everybody's always overthinking Whatever everybody else is thinking But if we just stop for a minute It's the same boat we're all in it ...
Who are you。 抖音号 Jay_1110谢谢你的关注 关注 作品10+ 喜欢6000+ 爱只能往回忆里堆叠 给下个季节 故地重游就像刻舟求剑 #娇妻 🥔 第一场雨 一边遗忘 一边拼凑 ^_−✰· 穿梭于手指尖#女大学生 sex with me so amazing #甜妹 #女大 My Only Love~ 人死不能复生啊 亲爱的#初雪 #南方...
Are you going to Scarborough Fair Parsley sage rosemary and thyme Remember me to one who lives there He once was a true love of mine Tell her to make me a cambric shirt Parsley sage rosemary and th...
aIt seems that the primary goal for a Japanese businessman in a negotiation is to achieve harmony, even if the deal falls through, as he is willing to spend whatever time is necessary to determine a "you to you" approach. 看起来日本商人的主要目标在交涉是达到和谐,即使成交失败,因为他是愿意...
If you are still looking for that one person who will change your life,take a look in the mirror.[泪]【转发】@追风少年王多鱼:知乎上那些只凭一句话就获得上万赞回答的合集,句句经典啊
抖音号:areyoubmoismeIP属地:浙江49岁 最新作品发布时间:2025-03-07 19:50 🍠 :低碳羊子 喜欢女宝🫰🏻 男的请不要关注我 谢谢... 更多 私信关注 关注私信 作品400 喜欢 搜索Ta 的作品 视频 日期筛选 351 其实对她好就像撸一只小猫 小猫不用对我说谢谢的 #短发女生 其实对她好就像撸一只小猫 小...
I'm not saying that I am not an example of this,but I wonder how people can spend so much time on their phones without actually talking to anyone in particular.We can now do almost anything with a phone.But has it gone too far?We spend too much time on our mo...