you are probably back to your stainless steel or cast iron skillet. Yet, occasionally, you wish those pancakes would just slide off painlessly, which makes you hope for a safer alternative to the
Acolanderor sieve comes in handy when you need to drain pasta or wash vegetables. This is a kitchen tool you can buy once and never have to purchase again. It should last you forever. Look for a colander with easy grip sides and “feet” to help keep it in place. I recommend getting...
I never expected you to forgive me for my patriotic conduct that night on the road near Rough and Ready.But I take it that this call means you have forgiven me?”
especially if youseason it wellandcare for it properly. It won't likely ever become as nonstick as Teflon, but cast iron has loads of other culinary benefits that are worthy of a few extra seconds of scrubbing in the sink after use. Lodge is a tried-and-true cast-iron coo...
Taking the easy route, I called her and gave her a piece of my mind. The assistant manager at Costco had told her the same thing I did, telling her she wasn’t Mother Teresa. I told her, “Look this may cost us our friendship, but I’m just going to tell you what’s what. Y...
But he, fearful of the iron, continued and said to me: "I pray thee, King Solomon, let me go free; and I will bring you all the demons." And as he was not willing to be subject to me, I prayed the archangel Uriel to come and succour me; and I forthwith beheld the arch...
Under New Jersey Law, You are not allowed to load a vehicle or drive a vehicle so jam packed with iron or other material that it may strike together, unless it is properly secured so it doesn't make any unnecessary noise. Why? It can be dangerous but also startling to other drivers...
s also the fact that Welles can obviously see how the News are holding up the Olds even when they’re obviously past their prime. Welles loved John Huston, but by the time this film was being made, he was done making great films, unless you consider Annie to be a “great film.” ...
turn one's hand to sth (be able to) undertake sth (能够)担任某工作: She can turn her hand to all sorts of jobs. 她能做各种工 作. wait on sb hand and foot => wait1. wash one's hands of sb/sth => wash2. win hands down => win. wring one's hands => wring....
"Someone's crying for help inside that casket, you're just gonna bury them alive!? What the hell is the matter with you!" "Oh him? Rebel scum get their just deserts. Besides, its just a job. Following orders, yada yada, you know what I mean?" to this man, his life held little...