1. Why are you being so rude to the kids? 你为什么对孩纸们这么粗鲁? 2. Why are you being so careless? 你为什么这么粗心? 3. Why are you being so angry? 你为什么这么生气? 4. Why are you being so afraid of him? 你为什么这么害怕他? 推荐大家使用一个超好用的背单词软件Quizlet,大家可...
How rude are you? Please take a quizScott Smith
“Oh, Moses. Sure, I’ll run you into town.” I was stumped by the way the Amish seemed to lack manners. They were a very polite culture, but they didn’t have the niceties I was used to. They never introduced themselves on the phone. They never said “please” or “thank you....
In the interview the writer was asked how he writing a novel based on a dream he once re you thinking of becoming an insurance sales Take this quiz to find out if this is the right career choice for you 10. The rent for the apartment is reasonable; besides, the are included, which ...
When you see an acquaintance somewhere, it’s polite to greet them. If you both know each other but don’t say anything to the other person, it’s somewhat rude (bad manners). You will often encounter acquaintances in your everyday life, but also in your professional life at work. In...
【YouTube搬运 | 西班牙语学习】西班牙语中不规则动词的解释-Spanish irregular verbs explained 07:19 【YouTube搬运 | 西班牙语学习】Ser和 Estar的未完成时用法- Ser and estar in the imperfect tense 03:33 【YouTube搬运 | 西班牙语学习】零基础西语打电话这么说-How to Make Phone Calls in Spanish ...
Andreservemeans hiding what you're thinking or feeling. I think I'm guilty of English reserve. How about you, Neil? Neil No, I think Iwear my heart on my sleeve, Alice – which means I make my feelings clear. OK, I think it...
He was very rude to me last week, but yesterday he came in quietly and made up to me. We lost a fair bit of money on the project, so our members are going to have to make that up somehow. We're going to have a party to make up for the miserable news we've all had recen...
Well, I'm afraid you have to practise some other time because... well, I don't want to sound rude but we are running out of time. Let me give you the correct answer to the quiz question now. Rob Yes. You asked me "When ...
1. Why are you being so rude to the kids? 你为什么对孩纸们这么粗鲁? 2. Why are you being so careless? 你为什么这么粗心? 3. Why are you being so angry? 你为什么这么生气? 4. Why are you being so afraid of him? 你为什么这么害怕他?