For those of you who are of the mind, I thought I’d share it: Posted on February 1, 2022 by Black3ActualPosted in MY SERMONS, UNDERSTANDING SCRIPTURELeave a comment The Truth That Has Been Kept From Us If you love this country, especially if you have been told lies about it, ...
Sermons for the Christian Year the Texts Are Taken From the Revised Common Lectionary (the Canterbury Press, Norwich, I992. Isbn I-853Ii-063-9): 3rd October: Trinity I7 A MANY-FACETED FAITH: 2 TIMOTHY I:I2b By Patricia Batstone, BA, MEd, PhD Honiton, Devon Lamentations I:I-6; 2 ...
Commentary on these teachings are cut and pasted from internet sites, books, sermons, along with my own observations in normal text. It would be impossible for me to put together a bibliography since the information was collected in note form over the past year. 1. New Breed, Latter Rain,...
perhaps, that the audience which will pay for dramatid sermons is a minor@ one. Once the critics have tasted mtcrtainment from Canadian stages, there is no goiw back. Michael Cook is reproved for the harsh austerity . ._._ . .._. ..i _..,, _. -.I_>-- >-:-- -r-.-v ....
Sermons for the Christian Year the Texts Are Taken From the Revised Common Lectionary (the Canterbury Press, Norwich, I992. Isbn I-853Ii-063-9): 4th April: Palm Sunday WHAT KIND OF MESSIAH WAS JESUS? By the Revd John Tudno Williams, MA, PhD Aberystwyth, Wales Isaiah 50:4-9a ...