(A soldier cleans and polishes a gun) (士兵擦拭着他的枪) Then she`ll be a true love of mine 她就会是我真正的爱人。 Tell her to reap it with a sickle of leather 叫她用一把皮镰收割 (War bells blazing in scarlet battalion) (战火轰隆,猩红的枪弹在狂呼) Parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme...
“bad apple”,当它形容人的时候,可不能理解成“坏苹果”。这个短语来自于谚语"a bad apple spoils the bunch." 意思是:一粒老鼠屎,搅坏一锅粥。英文词典中是这样解释的:A person whose own words or actions negatively impacts an entire group of people.即:坏人,坏家伙;害群之马例:You should keep...
5. Have you ever been to the Big Apple? It's an amazing city with so much to see and do.你去过纽约吗?那是一个令人惊叹的城市,有很多值得看和做的事情。4. polish the apple 过去,美国学生为了讨好老师会把擦得闪闪发光的苹果送给老师,这个词组就是这么来的~所以这个词组可不能理解为“擦苹果...
You can't compare those two companies, they're apples and oranges. 你不能去比较这两家公司,他们根本没有可比性。 4. polish the apple 过去,美国学生为了讨好老师会把擦得闪闪发光的苹果送给老师,这个词组就是这么来的~所...
1. You are a bad apple! “bad apple”,当它形容人的时候,可不能理解成“坏苹果”。这个短语来自于谚语"a bad apple spoils the bunch." 意思是:一粒老鼠屎,搅坏一锅粥。 英文词典中是这样解释的: A person whose own words or actions negatively impacts an entire group of people. ...
So when you do get to them, you're gonna really have a feel for the times they lived in, so to speak. Plus this course might also give you the impetus to learn more Polish, you know, get it to the level where you'd be ready for the other class. ...
You can't compare those two companies, they're apples and oranges. 你不能去比较这两家公司,他们根本没有可比性。 4. polish the apple 过去,美国学生为了讨好老师会把擦得闪闪发光的苹果送给老师,这个词组就是这么来的~所...
polish [ˈpɒlɪʃ] the apple可不能理解为“擦苹果、打磨苹果” 真正的含义是“拍马屁,讨好” 过去,美国学生为了讨好老师,会把擦得闪闪发光的苹果送给老师。这个俚语就是这么来的。 例: He tried to polish the apple to his boss for promotion. ...
With Outline to PowerPoint you can start a new PowerPoint side deck on your mobile device with a simple outline and let PowerPoint Designer take that outline and create the basic deck. Go to PowerPoint on your mobile, desktop, or web to polish and finish
aTo be shore I want to ask a few questions 是我想要问几个问题的岸[translate] aIf you connect them are you going to weld the parts and polish it.?[translate]