十美元, 你在开玩笑吧(Ten dollars, are you kidding me) 你在做什么 下载 格式 品质 大小 加载中... 加载失败,点击重新加载 收藏 x1倍 ×0.7倍 ×1倍 ×1.5倍 ×2倍 ×2.5倍 ×3倍 在线编辑 音频编辑器 音频截取 格式转换 速度调节 音量调节 分享 举报 你在做什么(what_are_...
Kidding.Don’t worry, it’s gonna be worth it! Can’t wait to be your colleague! And you can’t quit nursing school because… When your options are limited At the passenger’s seat This book teaches you two things: medical-surgicalnursing and how to lift with your knees. The book tha...
Absolutely not. They encourage women to fear childbirth interventions by constantly invoking the dreaded “cascade of interventions.” Do they want to fight fear of C-sections? Are you kidding? Their efforts to demonize C-sections are notorious, and they don’t consider themselves restric...
My next door neighbor who I adore and carpool with, well lets just say I had her on sneak this on the fridge. I MAY have forgotten that her husband travels and was out of town and she MAY have thought someone broke in and left this on her fridge.Not kidding. ...
Are you kidding? Now you're just making up crap as you go along. You need to sit back and search deep within your mind if you want to even stand a chance of debating me successfully. the2nd3rd on April 04, 2015: This is the second part of my comment, which I was unable to ...
Are you fucking kidding me? It’s great! Yeah, people die, welcome to Kavkaz. However, the North Caucasian Region is uniformly behind Russia for the first time since the USSR fell apart. All the KGB has to do is to catch the remnants of the opposition and to...
YOU. KIDDING. ME?!?! I do have an old phone tho, but it doesnt have contacts on it (aka a number) AND my dad cant know i still use it. UGHHHHH HMH on July 17, 2019: 7 more months till i get my phone back, got my phone takin away for a year, and ive lasted can belive ...
If you don’t hear “are we there yet?” just kidding, you will. These 5 words are the last things us parents want to hear. That said, the kids are just wanting a schedule and time. Also they are most likely bored or perhaps they just like poking fun because they know it will an...
tells Wall Street that this is the most significant resurrection of Intel since it had to exit the memory business for the first time – we’re not talking about 3D XPoint and flash here, people, but DRAM back in 1985 –he ain’t kidding. This might qualify as a miracle when it is ...