I only had a hand me down broken Samsung phone but now I have nothing but this shitty iPad. I’m not even allowed it at night. I’m not allowed to go on YouTube. And anytime I’m in my room I’m being suspicious. Once it was like 1 am and I woke up so I turned on my ...
Are you kidding? Now you're just making up crap as you go along. You need to sit back and search deep within your mind if you want to even stand a chance of debating me successfully. the2nd3rd on April 04, 2015: This is the second part of my comment, which I was unable to ...
Are you fucking kidding me? It’s great! Yeah, people die, welcome to Kavkaz. However, the North Caucasian Region is uniformly behind Russia for the first time since the USSR fell apart. All the KGB has to do is to catch the remnants of the opposition and to...
While it is true that photographs can be a testament to a once-present reality, we can now manipulate images to our liking; I’m sure you’ve come across Photoshop. This software is a revolutionary tool that has helped people create extraordinary moments out of ordinary ones. We have rounde...
If these trails are what you claim they are – merely contrails – then it is, I take it, a matter of utter indifference to you whether they appear in the sky or not, and that you will have no objection, therefore, to me clearing the skies of them, and encouraging other people to...
The right dye remover is on the way from Amazon. Meanwhile older son refuses to be seen with me, and I’m trying not to shock the neighbors. — grin — but today I’ll go out.) #Ollyollyoxenfree #reclaimmayday #setyourselffree #theyrenotthebossofyou Share this: Facebook X Related...
The evangelical movement with the Full Quivers are saying it out right. This is how you get more Christians, you breed them. There are only two ways the Church gets new members. Children brought up to be good little Christian soldiers and the down trodden or emotionally troubled. ...
(15 minute read): https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/create-meme-generator-using-html-canvas/ When you run a popular app, you probably don't want to deploy new features to all of your users at the same time. You instead want to test those features out with a small subset of your ...
Lots more features, so if you’re interested… Check out Typorama: Text on Photo Editor here. If you like the free download, check out the various upgrade fees, including a lifetime PRO version so you can bypass those pesky monthly fees. No kidding, those can really add up!
Thank you.Michael N, Siberia, Russia Skeptoid has given me a lot of food for thought over the years, I think I'm overdue to give some support, so I just joined at the Minion level. Now more than ever, we need to support critical thinking education as much as possible. Thanks and ...