When he walked into the room there was always a quick feeling of tension, because with this busybody about there was never any telling what might descend on you, or what might suddenly be brought to happen in the room. People are never so free with themselves and so recklessly glad as wh...
The pressure to work quickly means you might have your boss breathing down your neck, an idiom meaning that someone is watching you very closely and checking everything you do… 快速工作的压力意味着你的老板可能会紧盯着你,这是一个习语,意思是有人在密切关注你,检查你所做的一切…… Not a nice...
Now Neil, I have a question for you - do you think you are a winner? 现在尼尔,我问你个问题--你认为自己是位成功者吗? You mean someone who has a lot of success in everything? 你的意思是说在任何事上都很成功的人吗? Well, not exactly - ...
If you ‘get the gist’ of what someone is saying, you understand the overall meaning of what they say, but not the details. 如果你理解了某人所说的“gist”,你就能理解他们说的整体意思,但没有理解细节。 The second expert to answer our question about the artistic brain is Mike, a BBC Worl...
How energised you are by using these strengths Use How often you use these strengths Watch the video How is Strengths Profile different? There are 60 strengths in Strengths Profile meaning you get authentic results that feel just like you. You will discover your realised strengths, unreal...
I love the shirt. "Listen" is a simple word but if you take a moment to really think about its meaning, you realize how empowering it really is. Listen to someone breaking the silence after going through abuse, Listen to someone raising their voice to speak up about injustice, Listen to...
Yes, in my question I asked Sam for the meaning of term, argumentum ad baculum. I guessed it was an argument based on logic. Which was the wrong answer, I’m afraid. In fact, argumentum ad baculum means the argument with a stick, or...
永远不要放任困境和遭遇,使你的心变得坚硬和冷酷;生活中所有的艰难和教训,都是为了能让你变得更好。Never let hard lessons harden your heart; the hard lessons of life are meant to make you better, not bitter.— Roy T. Bennett —NO.19 我们的眼睛只能看到那些心智已准备好理解的事物The eye sees...
To see how the world of work is terrifying in ways that it didn't used to be, just look at the word "layoff." A layoff used to mean that you were actually "laid off," meaning you were idle while the shop was idle. When the shop got going again,they'd call you back up. Whe...
If you're having a hard time moving on, these 14 tips can help. Accept your feelings. ... Give it time. ... Consider your crush from a realistic perspective. ... Grieve the loss of what you hoped for. ... Avoid letting your feelings consume you. ... ...