It’s insane how well this works, especially on aging or weak hardware. These days I do most of my emulation on a Nubia REDMAGIC 10 Pro, but I’ve been using this emulator for a decade and little has changed. In other words, you can expect great performance on just about any device...
3 days ago How Xennial Are You?3 days ago Makeup Quiz: What Makeup Suits You B... 4 days ago Which Spring Drink Should You Try Next? 5 days ago How 90's Are You? 5 days ago Do You Know How To Dress Plus-Size? 5 days ago Where In The Southern USA Should You... 5 days...
Whether you are a confident cinephile here to ace the trivia quiz or a movie lover who knows big directors’ names here to make a few lucky guesses, we are sure you’ll learn something new in this quiz! If you think this quiz does not include all the big directors, that is because t...
希尔瓦娜斯 Sylvanas Mind Control - THE GM GAMES ARE GETTING INSANE! - Grandmaster 21:18 弗斯塔德 Falstad Gust - AA FALSTAD VS TLV! - Grandmaster Storm League 14:10 扎加拉 Zagara Maw - YOU CAN ONLY DO SO MUCH SOMETIMES! - Grandmaster Storm League 24:03 狂鼠Junkrat Riptire - LOOKS...
Looks like that marriage that you’re still totally a part of is gonna result in you going to the big house. Bummer. Also, all of you “well, I’m seeing someone, but I wanted to keep my options open, so I thought I’d throw up a profile!” jerkwads. Say “Hi” to the ...
SEE:Hiring developers? These interview mistakes could be costing you top tech talent "No one in the world has ever reversed a binary tree at their job, so don't ask quiz questions – ask questions that are relevant to the job," she adds. ...
灵性I Am the Walrus I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together 我是他 你是他 你也是我 我们就是一体 See how they fly like pigs f 分享1赞 柳橙留学吧 TK_invoker 【柳橙留学|语言】最狠最牛的经典英语骂人句子What the hell is going on with that god damn dirty ...
Those monday friday stupid “gosh what is the first thing you think of” quizzes aren’t bad because of tactics, it’s because they put waaaaayyyy too much weight on the result. Look, yeah, first born, gonna be big for actions. Only thing for actions, F NO. You mentioned jeans beca...
(By the way, your boss is looking for you. Start wrapping things up.) The only thing between Dan and rock bottom is Chevy Chase. Q: When are you going to go Pat O'Brien on us and make the switch from sports to become a full-time entertainment guru? At this point, it seems inevi...
Food Quizzes Can You Beat Our True/False Food Quiz? Personality Quizzes How Fast Do You Fall in Love? The Old Eagle and the Eaglets The eaglets were preparing to leave the nest and fly out into the world when their grandfather happened by. He perched on the side of the nest to...