North Carolina Republican Mark Harris is leading in his primary in North Carolina’s 8th District — just teetering above the threshold to avoid a runoff. If that name sounds familiar to you, it is because his apparent victory in a similar district in 2018 was tossed out after an opera...
Jefferson Ettinger, a Republican in the medical device sector, told me, “Listen, Trump has issues.” He added: “Trump needs to watch his mouth.” But he was not eager to watch Harris speak in primetime in his own city, he told me. “I don’t think you want ...
An artist. A survivor. You may or may not know, What it’s like to have your creative inspiration Become your writer’s block. Another coffin, For another part of you. You may or may not know my mom. But if you know me,
I can’t remember who launched the trial balloon for our Christmas— either Marsh, or Thea ventured. “You know, we could do a really nice bash for Christmas….” The room perked up, interest had been piqued.“A way bigger turkey…”“Maybe not, the oven can’t handle it.”“Steamed...
it’s timeless. By the time you get around to it, most, if not all of you will already have done whatever it is you do to observe and/or celebrate Christmas. But you know what, herein lies an opportunity to take one more moment, a time out if you will, before returning full tilt...
It was something to the wording of, “Look, we have to let you know- we think this is just a prank- but someone sent an anonymous note to the school saying, (blah blah, however he phrased it) and we need to take precautions…” Whereupon, instead of playing it cool, my “closest...
First, and because I didn't promise not to do this: I TOLD YOU SO, I TOLD YOU SO, I F*CKING TOLD YOU SO. For everyone who came here to lecture me, that the China Coff was going to depopulate the world, and I was being irresponsible for saying it was like
The site’s slogan is “analyzing the news to give you a clear picture of what’s really going on.” The site will keep an eye on the government, your financial interests and cut through the media spin. is neither Democrat nor Republican, Liberal or Conservative. Before ...
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as natural and normal back then to believe that an individual’s actions mattered as it is today to believe the opposite. For an individual to act on his beliefs was a moral imperative: “If you’re not part of the solution you’re part of the problem,” read a famous bumper sticker....