Ready to find out what sets you apart from other best friends? Take this 2-minute quiz! On top of securing some serious insight, I'll fill you in on how to make friendships that last 🙌
2 days ago Should You Switch To a Vegan Diet? 2 days ago What Should I Try? 3 days ago What Color Matches Your Personality? 3 days ago Do You Light Up The Room? 3 days ago How Xennial Are You?3 days ago Makeup Quiz: What Makeup Suits You B... 4 days ago Which Spring Drink...
Do you prowl the city’s bars like a slinky hipster jaguar or dream of settling down with your one-and-only? Dim the lights, slip into something more comfortable, and find out what kind of New York lover you really are. 1. What do you think about when pleasuring yourself? 2. What...
You spent so much money on all of those groceries. Money you worked hard to earn. You took time out of your day and braved the throng and din of a grocery store on a Saturday afternoon… all so you could get everything you need to carefully prepare a meal for your partner. If you ...
A“true or false” quiz where you respond with your confidence level, and the optimal strategy is to report your true belief.2020-04-26 Time is running out to catch COVID-19 Simulation shows it’s rational to deliberately infect yourself with COVID-19 early on to get treatment, but after...
You must abide by the claw! What do crabs say to a crab who's steering a ship? Aye aye, crab-tain! What did one hipster crab playing on its shellphone say to the other? Help me think of an Instagram crabtion! What do you call a crab that never shares its toys? Shellfish! Wher...
What do you think, did we get it right? Comment here... The Military Code Name Generator What Sort of Hipster Are You? What Are Your 5 Best Characteristics? Which 1950-1960s Icon Are You? Vampire Name Generator Werewolf, Vampire, or Human test...
The Service Worker API lets a webpage register a script as a “service worker” in the local browser. Web applications can use service workers to run code outside the “browsing context”. In Chrome, you can view all the service workers that sites have registered on your browser. In Devel...
And in that category, I am talking about Incredibox which is a jukebox kind of website where you can create your own type of music by mixing sounds you like. Crazy hipster men, melodies and songs in the library, you are going to get everything here. You can also directly share this ...
Once the photo has had time to develop, depending on the temperature, we hand the photo to the recipients for them to peel apart with a flourish themselves. If it’s a really great photo, you can see how their whole world just melts away for a moment. ...