ARE YA' READY KIDS?(My take)Jey_v509 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多 9127 0 03:45 App [Charty's DustTale] - 'Despair Syndrome 2' | Take Ft. @Dustore(授权转载) 2.2万 5 01:25 App 【孤独!精神错乱】Undertale:Insanity[Renewed]/Isolated Insanity{Autophobia/Monophobia...
Are ya ready kids《准备好了吗?孩子们》海绵宝宝主题曲Are ya ready kids?Aye Aye Captain!I CAN'T HEAR you!AYE AYE CAPTAIN!ohhhhhh!!!Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS!Absorbant and yellow and poreous is heSPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS!His nautical nonsense be so...
Captain: Are ya ready kids? 船长:准备好了吗,孩子们? Kids: Aye Aye Captain. 孩子:是的,船长。 Captain: I can't hear you. 船长:太小声咯。 Kids: Aye Aye Captain! 孩子:是的!船长! Captai...
孩子现在最爱看的动画中有《海绵宝宝》,自己跟着看啊看的,无意识间变成了海绵宝宝的脑残粉。大爱东森的配音,很贴近人物性格特点,对于央视的配音看一次就觉得是在平叙念课文一样,一点生气都没有。当然也有喜欢央视配音的,这个纯属各花入各眼。 很喜欢海绵宝宝的乐天无脑,派大星的呆头呆脑;爱看章鱼哥每次都被整的...
Captain: Are ya ready kids? 船长:准备好了吗,孩子们? Kids: Aye Aye Captain. 孩子:是的,船长。 Captain: I can't hear you. 船长:太小声咯。 Kids: Aye Aye Captain! 孩子:是的!船长! 预祝同学们取得优异的成绩(ง •̀_•́)ง~...
Captain: Are ya ready kids?船长:准备好了吗,孩子们?Kids: Aye Aye Captain.孩子:是的,船长。Captain: I can't hear you.船长:太小声咯。Kids: Aye Aye Captain!孩子:是的!船长!Captain: OHHHHHHH, Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?船长:哦哦哦~~~,是谁住在深海的大...
Captain: Are ya ready kids? 船长:准备好了吗,孩子们? Kids: Aye Aye Captain. 孩子:是的,船长。 Captain: I can't hear you. 船长:太小声咯。 Kids: Aye Aye Captain! 孩子:是的!船长! Captain: OHHHHHHH, Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? 船长:哦哦哦~~~,是谁住在深海的大凤梨里?
宝宝唱的《海绵宝宝》的歌词是什么?海绵宝宝的片头曲 Are you ready kids?Aye Aye Captain!I can't...
You better be all ready, are you with me? Hey! So tell me are ya ready? Kobiru nara You better be all ready, baby Nai hou ga mashi! Yeah Do you think they'll kill ya? Are you afraid? Relax, they can't kill ya! Don't be afraid Do you think they'll kill ya? Are you afr...