"Sorry, it appears the EA Servers are currently down. We are working to address the problem. Please try again later." Popped up while I was in mp. Since then I have been getting this same message whenever I try, even my friend is getting the same issue on his...
I feel it is infected. I think my guard was down on day while checking my email and clicked on a link I should have avoided. I find it boots up extremely slow and I get more popups. I am unsure about what scans I need to run. Can you help? Back to top...
Ok so i'm gonna keep this short. The whole Origin servers are unavailable now which we are getting the new season in like 1 hours. My Battle Pass level is... - 5495090
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KrrfWOTqrUA ALL Sponsored Trips: Chicago/South Chicago: October 24-28 Please consider sponsoring me to your city! +Brother Nathanael Member of Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia “In Good Standing” (ROCOR) @ http://www.brothernathanaelfoundation.org/pics/...
Server admins have the ability to choose to have players who have been banned in other games to be removed from servers they host via a plugin. You've not officially banned in BF3 but the server that you tried to play on had a more stringent level of security chosen. As @StarscreamUK...
.TThheecclolonneeddsseeqquueenncceeccoonntatainineeddaa 2222amamininooacaidcidNHN2H-t2e-rtemrminianlasligsniganl saelqsueeqnuceenacnedanthdretehAresen-AXsana--XSaera/-STehrr/Tsheqrusoenqsu,oanms,onagmwonhgichwohniceh woansepwotaesntpiaoltleyngtilaylclyosygllaytceods.yFlaotuedr .cyFsotu...