Weed being legal in Oregon hasn’t changed the state in any noticeable way. We didn’t see stoned people driving or wandering around in public but the parking lots had an impressive flow of traffic. Pot shops are not the reason there are an unending flow of homeless or street people, ...
Weed being legal in Oregon hasn’t changed the state in any noticeable way. We didn’t see stoned people driving or wandering around in public but the parking lots had an impressive flow of traffic. Pot shops are not the reason there are an unending flow of homeless or street people, ...
Weed2 Week1 Weekend1 Weekly1 WeFightEm.com1 WeFightThem.com1 WeFindStuff.com1 Weight1 Weight Loss2 WeJustWantYourMoney.com1 WellFight.com1 WellFightForYou.com1 WeLoveOurPresident.com1 WeRaze.com1 WeRazeIt.com1 Wertio1 Wertio.com1 WeScored.com1 WeWantSomeAction.com1 WGIQ1 WGIQ.com1...
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Of course its just pure common sense that one should not own an adult tiger or lion in their back yard & there SHOULD be rules & regulations to weed out those who think that it is OK to put an adult lion or tiger in their back yard, but as far as calling Caracals & Serval cats...
Verywell Health (2022) Is Vaping Marijuana Safe?https://www.verywellhealth.com/are-vaporizers-the-safest-way-to-smoke-weed-1124089#toc-frequently-asked-questions-f49daccd-6f0c-4731-82ed-d4ed6c2f6e48. Rychert M, Romeo JS, Wilkins C. Exploring differences in daily vaping of nicotine and...