And it’s, you know, things like the shift to daylight savings time. We’re in Seattle. We’re pretty far north. The shift to daylight savings time matters. And I can see—TEEVAN: Does that matter in a good way or not? Should we get rid of day...
We're not sure why this person is wearing the Grinch costume to a Walmart visit, but we are sure that he (we feel it's a he) definitely spread good cheer and smiles to all other shoppers, putting them all into the Christmas spirit.
to change the story we created and perpetuate in our mind. Emphasis being that a true artist seeks truth because they can live no other way but in the ever-changing truth. Attendees were shocked and dismayed when Rick requested not to be called Sifu anymore –“Call me Rick”. Wow, talk...
With every conversation, email or checking of my calendar I was remined I didn’t need to do the mental calisthenics of working the time back 2.5 hours or daylight savings and being able to be on the same time as my work colleagues! It was a delight every time I realised it! What an...
One thing we were taught was. It was no use saying you know something if you could not put it down on paper. To put it down on paper you had to know what to write, and most importantly spell the words. So during our study time, we were paired off in twos and told to quiz each...
As a result, we never really subscribed to “lifestyle creep” as our incomes grew, but rather, we put as much as we could into savings—so that if either of us had to retire early, we would have the freedom to do that. I was mulling over my friend’s advice, but with all ...
Sleeping in a Berber tent out in the middle of the desert wasn’t roughing it nearly as much as I had expected. We actually had mattresses! Though when I asked where the “bathroom” was (usually when camping you designate a specific area, though there are obviously not actual facilities)...
Anyone can move forward from whatever point they have been stopped, betrayed or given arbitrary actions that were not designed to help them.” Pierre says Note: We have received the following special request by John Brownlee to include his name in the incomplete list of PC-s I have audited ...
It was the start of daylight savings time this weekend, we are springing forward. The daffodils have been blooming for a couple of weeks now. The saucer magnolias are blooming, and the dogwoods as well. The cycle of the seasons continues. The earth is being reborn. ...
Money savings for companies Can letting employees work remotely save money for businesses? It can, according to research. We previously referenced a report from Cisco that says the company saves $277 million per year by letting their workers telecommute. It’s estimated that letting a single emplo...