When making a phone call, we will mostly tell the person on the other side of the phone who we are and who would like to speak to this part focus on the opening phrases and expressions used in making and receiving phone calls. Listen to the telephone conversations and fill in the blanks...
its rude.sounds too direct and awkward. native English speakers almost never say this in a social situation.heres one another way:==what r u doing?(ask what you are doing right now, this mintue. very now.)--im cleaning the glasses.(you answer it using an -ing verb.)==what do you...
Oilfromthespillhadstartedmovingnorth.Tensofthousandsofpenguinswereintheoil?spath. Butwealreadyhadourhandsfullwith20,000recoveringbirds.Ifanymorebirdswereoiled,we wouldn?thaveenoughresourcestosavethem. Oneresearchercameupwithanidea:Whatifthepenguinsweretemporarilymovedoutof harm?sway? Expertsdecidedtohaveatry....
then said joab to cus then said the princes then said they unto h then said they we wil then scrape film then shalt thou say u then she slid over then shell be a true then shell be a e lov then sir then solomon said yah then somehow then spread the then staggered backwa then star...
We stored our 1.backpacks(背包)and found our seats. Unlike other trains which start with a shake and much 2._noise_(噪音), this train felt so smooth that if you were not looking out of windows, you could 3. __hardly __(几乎不)tell we were moving. Yet, within minutes, we were ...
Weaccessed the wallthrough the South Gate.Thewallis12 metershighandfrom here youcanseestreamsofpeoplemovinginsideand outsidetheCityWall. After14. (spend)sometimelookingatallthedefensiveequipmentatthewall, wedecideditwastimeforsomeactionandwhat 15. (good)thantorideonapieceof history! We16. (hire)ou...
With their ability to see ahead, they could signal any problem, so that fast-moving trains would be able to react in time.1. What makes the application of drones to rail lines possible? A.The use of drones in checking on power lines. B.Drones’ ability to work at high altitudes. C....
Using this technology, we can run a calculator and even power cars. But what happens on cloudy days? The electrons in the silicon will stop moving, which means the electricity can’t flow. But this doesn’t mean that solar energy can only be used on sunny days. People can use the ...
Since inflation and employment are some of the most closely monitored economic indicators, we’ll delve into their relationship and how they affect the overall economy. Key Takeaways Inflation and unemployment typically have an inverse correlation, but the relationship is a complex one. ...