On my KDE setup I haven’t noticed that and noticed that games indeed sync to the monitor correctly. However I do believe that in certain scenarios the explicit sync would hurt the experience, however the thread was for G-Sync/Freesync support which is indeed correct that is working(at l...
a) Disable all types of synchronization (VSync, freesync, adaptive/enhanced sync etc.) both in-driver and in-game; b) Tutn off all overlays (steam/epic/whatever overlay, driver overlay, Afterburner/other, etc.) and try to monitor framerate through in-game means; if impossible, leave onl...
a) Disable all types of synchronization (VSync, freesync, adaptive/enhanced sync etc.) both in-driver and in-game; b) Tutn off all overlays (steam/epic/whatever overlay, driver overlay, Afterburner/other, etc.) and try to monitor framerate through in-game means; if impossible, leave onl...
a) Disable all types of synchronization (VSync, freesync, adaptive/enhanced sync etc.) both in-driver and in-game; b) Tutn off all overlays (steam/epic/whatever overlay, driver overlay, Afterburner/other, etc.) and try to monitor framerate through in-game means; if impossible, leave onl...