Of the nutrients analyzed, only zinc and niacin (also known as nicotinic acid, or vitamin B3) were linked toreduced hangover severity. Higher dietary zinc intake was specifically linked to reducedvomiting. While many purported hangover cures contain vitamins B6 and B12, which are thought to boost...
iron, magnesium, and vitamin B12. But it also has a good bit of saturated fat and cholesterol. There's evidence that red meat comes with a greater risk for stroke, heart disease, and some cancers. Processed meats like sausage, bacon, and salami are especially unhealthy. Limit red meat to...
Vitamin B12 is an underappreciated essential nutrient that most of you get far less of than you need for good health. But because you are able to store large amounts of vitamin B12 in your liver, it will often take up from 3 to 5 years after inadequate intake in order for a deficiency...