More thana third of the survey respondents(39 percent) cite peer pressure. They smoke e-cigs because a friend or family member also vapes. Not surprisingly the sweet taste of e-cigs also plays a significant role with 31 percent of teens claiming they are attracted by the flavorings such as...
Although e-cigarettes do not contain tobacco, for regulatory purposes, they are considered “tobacco products” by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). E-cigarettes can go by different names, including vapes, vape pens or sticks, ...
Vapes and e-cigarettes, specifically, have become ubiquitous, and some teens are feeling the consequences of using them. In a report from the New York Times on Monday, teachers at Cape Elizabeth High School in Maine expressed concerns that their students are medically addicted to vaping — to ...
Oral smokeless products differ from inhaled smoke-free alternatives, such as e-vapor products (also known as vapes or e-cigarettes) and heated tobacco products (also known as heat-not-burn products), in that they are not electric and do not produce vapor which is inhaled. They are consumable...
If you are not able to quit cigarettes cold turkey (which isn’t recommended by health professionals), millions in the UK now switch to vaping as a safer alternative. But with many types of vape to pick from, and an abundance of e-liquid variations, it’s daunting initially to know ...
Methods include hiding the vapes inside highlighter pens, pencil cases, boots, waistbands, long sleeve shirts, bras and headbands, the outlet reported. MORE ON FOXBUSINESS.COM… JUUL AND OTHER VAPING COMPANIES SUE FDA THE FDA SEEKS PUBLIC’S HELP ON ANY LINK BETWEEN E-CIGARETTES AND SEIZURES ...
According to statistics, without help from alternative means like vaping, just 4% of smokers will be successful in their wish to quit smoking. E-cigarettes and vapes are a growing alternative to cigarettes for those who want to quit and live a healthier, fitter lifestyle, meaning that this ...
Inhaling vapes and e-cigarettes actually requires a different procedure than doing so with traditional cigarettes. Many first time vapers are quite surprised about it because most of the basic and introductory e-cigarettes are designed to look like the customary cigarettes that smokers use, if you...
The worst combination is vaping and smoking cigarettes every day, which increases your heart attack risk fivefold. There is a silver lining, though: If you only use e-cigs occasionally, then you have little to worry about as your heart attack risk does not significantly change. Another piece...
Despite their widespread reputation as a "safer" alternative to cigarettes, e-cigarettes (also known as electronic cigarettes or vapes) are far from harmless, particularly for adolescents, whose developing brains may suffer lifelong adverse effects from