Who did the Ottoman Empire trade with? How was the Ottoman Empire ruled? Who imperialized the Ottoman Empire? What did the Ottoman Empire do in WWI? What was Israel called during the time of the Ottoman Empire? Who were the Ottoman Turks? What did Suleiman the Magnificent do for the Otto...
declaration in Jassy, Moldavia, calling the Greeks to arms in order to fight for independence from the Ottoman Empire: 'The hour has struck, valiant Greeks. Let us unite with enthusiasm, our country calls us on.' Almost immediately Turks were attacked throughout Moldavia, Wallachia and Bulgaria...
When the new-world turkey was introduced to Europe by the Spanish in the 16th century, English speakers gave credit to the Turks: the Ottoman Empire was at its peak, and the English were in the habit of calling all sorts of things "Turkish." Maize was called "Turkish wheat," pumpkins ...
With the Law of Family Names accepted in 1934, Jews as well as other non-Muslim and non-Turkish citizens had to change their names and surnames and adopt Turkish sounding names. The 1934 Turkish Resettlement Law resulted not only in the forced assimilation of non-Turks, but also in their f...
These included fighting pagans, the suppression of heresy and the resolution of conflict between Catholic groups. In 1095 Pope Urban II proclaimed the First Crusade at the Council of Clermont. He encouraged military support for the Byzantine Emperor Alexios I against the Seljuk Turks and an armed...
Sure US trained armies do wonders against Hamas, Hussein’s ragtag army, that cannot even take out the Kurds, something the Turks do for fun, without the use of chemical weapons. But when coming up against a real, well-trained fighting force, the Imperialist A...
Was Mongolia in the Chagatai Khanate? Are modern Turks related to the Mongols? Did the Austro-Hungarian Empire have colonies? Did the Mongol Empire conquer Europe? Was the Kingdom of Hungary Catholic? Did the Silk Road go through Hungary?
“The Turks … would not welcome an emboldened Kurdish force on its southern border. Neither would many of America’s Arab allies, who are also threatened by Kurdish sovereignty movements.” Posted in disinformation, How Do We Build the Resistance?, idiot nation, image of the beast, mind-rap...
scholarships, on the other hand, Uyghur refugees have no scholarship. On the other hand, they have no place for 500 Meskhetian Turks. Oh, they said, we can take millions of Arabs, also we are planning to take 2 millions of Afghans and Iranians, but we can’t take 500 Turks. Sorry...
Tehran, it will be a major blow to Iran’s hegemony in the Middle East region. Turkey has a lot of influence in Syria, as well as among the Turks of Northern Iraq. This positions them to challenge Iranian dominance in both countries as the successor state to the Ottoman Turkish Empire....