Lesser, J. (1998) “Jews are Turks who Sell on Credit: Elite Images of Arabs and Jews in Brazil,” in I. Klich and J. Lesser (eds.), Arab and Jewish Immigrants in Latin America: Images and Realities . London & Portland: Frank Cass, 38–56....
Persiais now thought to be synonymous withIran, but does either of those terms define the myriad of ethnic groups within the country, such as the Kurds or Turks, those who neither identify themselves as Persian nor speak the Persian language of Farsi? Or should it simply be used to identify...
Turkish is the official language of Turkeyand English is widely spoken in Istanbul; visitors are often surprised by the relatively high level of English spoken by most Turks. An attempt to use Turkish is very much appreciated and considered good manners, though. Are Somalis Arabs? Although they...
“The Turks … would not welcome an emboldened Kurdish force on its southern border. Neither would many of America’s Arab allies, who are also threatened by Kurdish sovereignty movements.” Posted in disinformation, How Do We Build the Resistance?, idiot nation, image of the beast, mind-rap...
In "Lost Discoveries" by Dick Teresi, the author says, "Clearly, the Arabs served as a conduit, but the math laid on the doorstep of Renaissance Europe cannot be attributed solely to ancient Greece. It incorporates the accomplishments of Sumer, Babylonia, Egypt, India, China and the far re...
The Arabs, with access to the minerals and spices (香料) of Africa and the Far East, saw no __6__ to journey into the unknown. Europe, on the other hand, needed gold and silver; its mines could not __7__ the demand for coinage (铸币). Ottoman Turks blocked the routes across ...
The Turks also seem to be more favorably disposed toward Moscow’s South Stream natural gas pipeline to Europe. And lastly, the Russian president said he would push to raise bilateral trade from $40 billion a year to $100 billion within five years. If the U.S. thinks the Russians are...
For the first moments, the Turks will not be able to say if it’s an explosion or an earthquake The Central bank of Turkey and Turkish banks will be met by disasters Erdogan’s chair shakes Hard and bloody confrontation in one of the opposition parties ...
Sure US trained armies do wonders against Hamas, Hussein’s ragtag army, that cannot even take out the Kurds, something the Turks do for fun, without the use of chemical weapons. But when coming up against a real, well-trained fighting force, the Imperialist Army...
What evidence do you have that Egypt or anywhere else is Arabized? As a matter of fact, can you demonstrate WHAT "Arabized" IS? That part of the world was ruled by Arabs for about 600 years - to 1250, but it was ruled by Turks for about 665 years - to 1915 (and still is by ...