With the, dare I say, holiday season approaching the museum is a unique place to buy unusual gifts. It’s worth visiting to check out their offerings of t-shirts, classic and contemporary horror literature, Victorian jewelry, housewares, and one-of-a-kind animal taxidermy. While I find that...
want to hold on to some, transfer to a 50ml glass sample bottle and properly label it. For you stat nerds and other trolls, I’m well aware I didn’t have a N number of 15. Take what you want from the data given, but no need to give your opinion until you have ran similar tes...
take with that, but as you’re making money from people with The Deck, whether directly or indirectly, I expected a slightly more mature attitude toward your current problem - a problem, it is worth noting, that effects all sites at some point or another - than simply blaming your user ...
Clowning people for not being a part of an exclusive club bc they’re don’t spend a literally salary’s worth of money on bags/accessories/clothes is not the flex you think it is. Get a grip. 10 Reply Passerine Reply to Korrine 2 years ago It’s tone deaf and patronizing in ...
space like that didn’t exist for us. When I thought about the young me, I thought, ‘God, if we can get one kid in here that could feel represented and feel like there’s a future for them in sports, even if that one kid had that moment, it would be worth it,’” Nguyen ...
Meghan is a Queen in acceptance and she knows her worth. Queen Elizabeth II & Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah Harry Archie Meghan & Desmond Tutu Here was The Queen dancing with Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah, because she was human as was he and she also knew the optics for the health ...
Lesson #3: Put money in women’s hands Particularly when it comes to climate finance, not enough resources are making it to women, even though women are more likely to invest in their communities in ways that benefit everyone. When women have a voice and social and economic power, they ca...
...Loving souls, starving trolls... Top 5 Ways to Make Money Online Today - Daily Payment oHee Scholarships for International Students WishJobs Grove Street (Redux 3.0) User ID: 80882194 United States05/26/2022 11:16 AMReport Abusive PostReport Copyright Violation Re: Hot Pockets are skyroc...
however, it probably wasn’t worth the backlash I received from my class (which again probably had no deeper meaning beyond supporting what they had heard was the ‘right’ thing to do, i.e. wearing a red poppy). In retrospect, I could have just pretended I didn’t have any money on...
Israel lobby online-trolls and GONGOS are harassing and smearing human rights defenders, and western universities and employers are collaborating with them to punish those who dare to speak out against the atrocities. In the wake of this genocide, there must be an accounting for these actors as ...