They are not comfortable. D. I don't think I will introduce them to my partner/family. Rate this question: 1 7. Does your friend express gratitude for meeting you and how valuable this friendship is for them? A. Yes B. I hope so, though something inside my mind says no... ...
withyouaccording to number: they would say “you is my friend” to one person, and “you are my friends” to multiple people. But in the 18th century this practice lost favor, and was in effect abandoned. We’ve been saying “you are my friend” to individuals and multiple people ever...
Your best friend's been kidnapped! You: A. Really? Oh my god, I gotta save them! B. I hope they don't get hurt. C. My time to shine! D. I will hide under the bed. Rate this question: 6. You go outside for a walk and find your partner is cold. You would: ...
You can't pawn your old car off on me ,I didn't go for it . 你想把你的破车廉价卖给我,我才不要呢。 If you don't like my company just tell me , you don't have to pawn me off on your friend,they won't go for it anyway .(如果你不喜欢我陪你,你不需要把我推给你的朋友。)...
谓语,其次是表语或宾语,以及其他成分将作主语的主格人称代词,由单数形式变为复数形式,即:I→we,you→you,she(he,it)→they。谓语和be 动词也要从复数形式变成相应单数形式,即are和is/am,were和was,do和does等。宾语也要从复数形式转化为单数,比如bags,apples,students等。
They like their bikes。可数名词的复数形式的部分规则1 一般情况加s,结尾是清辅音读[s],结尾是浊辅音或元音读[z].例:friend→friends; cat→cats; style→styles; sport→sports;piece→pieces2 以s、x、ch、sh结尾的词,在该词末尾加上后辍-es构成复数。读[iz]。例:bus→buses; quiz→quizzes; fox→...
See more quizzes Quiz Transcript What kind of best friend are you? Ready to find out what sets you apart from other best friends? Take this 2-minute quiz! On top of securing some serious insight, I'll fill you in on how to make friendships that last 🙌 Take The Quiz What’s your...
Player or pussycat? Take our saucy quiz and discover your sex style. Monday July 7 2014 Share Copy Link FacebookTwitterPinterestEmailWhatsApp They don’t call New York the city that never sleeps for nothing, you know. But what keeps youup all night? Are you spicier than a shot ofsriracha...
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Would your life be a fairytale or just a joke? There's only one way to find out. Take this lovely quiz and we'll tell you which kind of book you are! Play Quiz Beano Quiz Team • Updated August 19th 2024 1/20 What kind of person are you?