"When I say insane asylums, and then I say, Dr. Hannibal Lecter, does anybody know? They go crazy they say, oh, he brings up these names out of, well, that's genius, right, Dr. Hannibal Lecter. There's nobody worse than him. 'Silence of the Lambs.' Who the...
He said his Democratic rival “threw open the gates… to an invasion of criminal migrants from prisons and jails from insane asylums and mental institutions from all over the world”. He went on to claim people from 181 different countries are coming to the US illegally, adding: “We’re a...
Connecting to any other oppressed community has challenges. After all, we psychiatric survivors have devoted decades to developing our ideas and perspectives; obviously there are a few topics where we disagree with one another, and we are still exploring many new areas. Over this past couple of ...
You might get cell phone reception (that’s a lot better than it was even six years ago, but there’s still large chunks of “nope, nothin'”), but only if you go with the local provider (who aren’t bad, withal…yet). Emergency services aren’t likely to be able to get to you...
Party grotesque because of its dealings with American psychiatry and asylums, Williams’ struggle to embrace his homosexuality while entering into psychoanalysis with the famous Dr.Lawrence Kubie whose work included many cl...
Centuries of colonial exploitation, extermination and slavery, but also the establishment of mental asylums for the socially unfits, were supported by the assumption that those who live outside the dictated rules should not be considered as a human subject. According to this view, “savages” ...
We are shocked when we hear stories ofthe ill-treatment of lunatics, and there are now quite a number of asylums in which they are not ill-treated. Prisoners in Western countries are not supposed to be tortured, and when they are, there is an outcry if the facts are discovered. We do...
I first became aware of how harmful they can be when as a junior doctor 20 years ago I worked in one of those vast asylums that was in the process of being closed down. Some of the old inmates were still shuffling stiffly and aimlessly along the endless corridors. They looked he...
even with his mic muted when it’s not his turn, there’s no shortage of wild things coming out of his mic when it’s his turn to speak. This is probably the worst performance that Trump could have turned out for anyone who was still unsure whether he has the t...
Everything in your life has been controlled from birth and you’re still being controlled! The free-thinkers of the world have either been murdered or institutionalized in asylums. Free-thinkers are a detriment to the Masters and their Agents! They have the potential to become (Martyrs)...