Are Conservatives More American than Liberals?Hirshberg, Matthew S
Prior research suggests that liberals are more complex than conservatives. However, it may be that liberals are not more complex in general, but rather only more complex on certain topic domains (while conservatives are more complex in other domains). Four studies (comprised of over 2,500 partic...
Why Class Actions Are Something both Liberals and Conservatives Can Vanderbilt Law ReviewFitzpatrick, Brian T.
could imperil Mr. Biden's strategy to manage migration to the U.S. southern border, where migrants have been coming in greater numbers and from more countries than ever before amid mass displacement in Latin American and the Caribbean. Federal judges in Oakland and Del Rio, Texas...
Motyl M (2014) Liberals and conservatives are (geographically) dividing. In: Valdesolo P, Graham J (eds) Bridging ideological divides: the Claremont symposium for applied social psychology. Sage Press, Thousand OaksMotyl M. Liberals and conservatives are (geographically) dividing. In Valdesolo P,...
“Liberals are more intel-ligent.” FK agreed: “The real answer . . . is simple, but not easy to accept. Most modern- day conservatives are not the intellectual heavy- weights of days past and are rather a group of ideologists or blind followers.” Another perspective was advanced by ...
Half of the difference between conservatives and liberals is demographic. It has to do with religion and marriage, which is more frequent among conservatives. The real question is why is the other half unexplained? Conservatives have a different orientation. Conservatives think there is a lot of ...
At the most basic level, conservatives and liberals seem to hold different beliefs about what constitutes “truth.” Finding facts and pursuing evidence and trusting science is part of liberal ideology itself. For many conservatives, faith and intuition and trust in revealed truth appear as equally...
Conservatives are closing the gap with liberals in social media.(Brief article)Katz, Eric
The working class became more and more unwilling to follow the Conservatives and the Liberals.They wanted to have their own party.So the Labour party was formed by the trade unions.After 1922 the Labour Party gradually replaced the Liberal Party to become one of the two major parties in Great...