WhileNetflix and other streaming servicesoffer new movies monthly, no other streaming service has a passionate focus on the gems of horror like Shudder. And over the next few months, Shudder is prepped and ready to deliver. Starting back on January 14th, the streaming platform set out to prem...
A good dumb comedy movie can be just the tonic you need after a long and tiring day. They allow us to switch off our brains and simply enjoy whatever silly amusements they have in store for us. While there have been plenty of stupid movies that we get a few giggles from and then for...
This list ranks the funniest Jewish stand-up comedians and comedic actors—which is no easy task, because there are seemingly millions of them. Many, perhaps most of the funniest comedians of all time are Jewish. Some of these celebrities are Jewish by religion, while others ...
2023 is shaping up to be a big year in film. More than4,000 titlesare slated for release worldwide, according toIMDb. With this many new movies on the horizon, there's sure to be a little something for everyone. Franchise fans are excited about sequels like "Creed III," "Indiana Jon...
Stone and Fielder play Whitney and Asher Siegel, a married couple at the center of an upcoming HGTV show awkwardly titled Flipanthropy. (Say it three times fast.) Their goal is to build eco-friendly homes in the city of Española, New Mexico, and "revitalize" the community by bringing ...
What surprised her most about quarantine was how well she coped with it. “Everyone I love the most is spread out, living all around the world, and I desperately wanted to see them. I learned that there is no feeling worse than the painful longing of missing someone.” ...
Moviesandtelevisionhave told viewers over and over again there's a time gap between when someone goes missing and when authorities can do anything about it. The lag can be anywhere from 24 to 48 hours, but neither is accurate. Law enforcement officials actuallyurge peopletocontact themas soon...
Before we present you withupcoming horror movies 2017, please take a note that present year has it all for you. You will come across with all kinds of horror flicks you can imagine. Read More-A Quiet Place Rating- Top Reasons Why This Horror Flick Is Doing Marvelously Well ...
(Whatever you think of “Fifty Shades of Grey,” there’s a reason he was cast as its enigmatic, brooding lead.) And yet, Dornan’s upcoming list of projects is currently pretty scant —a shame, but at least that means he’d be available to take on a whole new franchise that plays...
Halloween treats came early last night at theMorbid Anatomy Museumin Brooklyn. Raised on all things spooky, when I learned the New York Chapter ofHorror Writers Associationwould be dropping in to host an evening of Night Terrors, I rang my brother who responded with “we’re there!” ...