Distant Lands-BMO, the first of four specials resurrecting Cartoon Network's franchise Adventure Time (coming June 25), and American Pickle, the Seth Rogen comedy that is HBO Max's first original film, about a 1920s immigrant who gets preserved in pickle brine for 100 years (coming Aug. 6...
He served as art director for “Chappelle’s Show,”“Are We There Yet?,”“Alpha House,”“Madam Secretary,”“The Affair” and “Wu Tang: An American Saga,” in addition to his work with ABC Studios.Most recently, De Cosmo was working on the pilot for new ABC series “Harlem’s....
Magazine, Faust's previous efforts to pitch original shows aimed at girls to various networks had been met with the feedback that cartoons were for boys. Faust saw that the problem was not that girls didn't like cartoons, but that there was a poor understanding of what would appeal to gir...
There's trouble in paradise — and for the social media-obsessed residents of Finetime, it runs much deeper than wearing the wrong outfit. In the fifth episode of "Doctor Who," called"'Dot and Bubble," a city has been invaded by giant, human-eating space slugs, and they seem to have...
, and there were no long lines to get in nor any weird rituals with tickets. My wife started the meal with a magnificent chocolate milkshake, while I opted for a cool, refreshing vanilla egg cream (no doubt made with Fox’s U-Bet vanilla syrup, which I always keep on hand back home...
One of these movies even has a 100 percent rating on Rotten Tomatoes, which is a high accomplishment for any movie. Have you seen these? 2021 is drawing to a close and what a year it has been. We started the year with the pandemic still going on in the world, that aspect hasn't ...
want to do bra jokes. There’s real space for that — I love maxipad jokes — [but] look at women the exact same way you look at men. You’ve got a pile of very different comedy styles in your stack of writers. There’s not one type of female writer. Get that out of your ...
JM:I hope you have the opportunity to do more of these reunion specials and take some chances like you do here because you pull it off here really well. JS: Thanks. I guess if there’s one show I’d really like to see in the Hanna-Barberra universe, it would beThe Laff-A-...
Those extra dollars will add up for Netflix, which has grown rapidly in recent years both in subscribers and spending. The company now produces a large amount of original content, and there's plenty more on the way. Plans to spend $6 billion on projects in 2018 were recently revised by ...
“The X-Files” was brought back in 2016 for another season, and again in 2018 for a final season. At this point,the show’s stars and network have both said there won’t be any more seasons, but devoted fans are still crossing their fingers that the two FBI agents will uncover a ...